1948 Czechoslovakia became communist 1948-49 Berlin Blockade 1949 Russia developed their first atom bomb 1949 China became communist.
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What was the Marshall Plan?
It promised aid to European countries to rebuild their economies.
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What was the Truman Doctrine?
It promised to support any country threatened by communist takeover.
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Who was Alger Hiss?
Alger Hiss was a government official charged with being a communist in 1950. He was sent to prison for 5 years.
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Who were the Rosenbergs?
Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were accused of giving atomic secrets to the Soviet Union in 1950. They were executed in 1953.
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What was the HUAC?
The House of Un-American Activities Committee
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What did the HUAC do?
It investigated the film industry, education and the government for communists.
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What did the HUAC do in 1947?
It investigated the film industry. 41 writers, producers and directors were questioned. They named 19 people as communists. Ten refused to answer any questions. They were jailed for 1 year.
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Who were the Hollywood Ten?
Ten members of the film industry who were named by the HUAC as communists. They were jailed for 1 year.
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Who was Senator Joe McCarthy?
Joseph McCarthy was chairman of the HUAC.
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How many government employees did McCarthy claim to be on his list?
205 government employees
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How was McCarthy seen by the American People?
A crusader against communism
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When did McCarthy lose his support?
Towards the end of 1954, Mccarthy had lost most of his support
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Why did McCarthy lose support?
He went too far in his accusations, accusing members of his own party and army officers of being communist spies
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What were the effects of McCarthyism?
Many lost their jobs. 400 were sent to prison. America's reputation was severely damaged
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was the Marshall Plan?
It promised aid to European countries to rebuild their economies.
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