Where abouts are organisms usually found in their ecosystem?
Where the biotic and abiotic factors favour them most
2 of 14
What is a line transect?
Its a non-random systematic sampling technique involving laying a line along the ground and taking samples at regular intervals
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What is a belt transect?
Another non-random systematic sampling technique but providing more info than line, involves placing 2 parallel lines down and taking samples at regular invervals between the 2 lines
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What are the advantages of systematic sampling over random sampling?
Systematic sampling allows us to look at the effects of differing abiotic factors in different areas affect distribution of a species (can be used to study successional changes)
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What does abundance of organisms refer to?
The number of individuals in a species present in an area at any given time
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What 2 factors affect abundance of individuals of a species
Immigration/Emigration and birth and death
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Why is measuring abundance hard?
Very time consuming and unethical to count all individuals, have to take a sample and use estimating techniques, samples are not entirely representative however
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What is the usual way plant species abundance is measured?
Quadrat placed randomly in an area and then a formula is used to estimate abundance
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What is the formula used to estimate number in population?
Number of individuals in sample/ area of sample
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Name a techniques used to estimate abundance of moving animals
Capture-mark-release-recapture, the use the Lincoln index to estimate abundance
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What is the lincoln index?
Abundance= (no. in first sample X no. in second sample) / number of recaptured marked individuals
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What is the Simpsons index of diversity used for?
To calculate the presence of biodiversity within a habitat
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What is Simpsons index of diversity formula?
1 - the sum of (Number of individuals of each species/ total number of organisms in ecosystem, then squared)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Where abouts are organisms usually found in their ecosystem?
Where the biotic and abiotic factors favour them most
Card 3
What is a line transect?
Card 4
What is a belt transect?
Card 5
What are the advantages of systematic sampling over random sampling?
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