Mechanics 1
20 questions, doesn't include everything but might help. :)
- Created by: Joe
- Created on: 30-03-13 12:27
Other questions in this quiz
2. The equation for Young's Modulus is what?
- Force / Acceleration
- Stress / strain
- Strain / stress
- Extension / original length
3. Define torque (Unit: N m):
- The product of one of the forces of a couple and the perpendicular distance between them.
- A pair of parallel forces equal in magnitude seperated by a distance.
- A force that propels an object of mass 1kg to a speed of 1m per second.
4. Describes a material that can easily be drawn into wires (e.g. copper):
- Ductile
- Brittle
- Components
5. Define inertia:
- The mass per unit volume of a material.
- An object will remain at rest or in a state of constant motion unless acted upon by an external force.
- The rate of change of an object's velocity.
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