Media audiences
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- Created by: Dxmi_o
- Created on: 08-11-19 09:45
What is the hyperdermic needle theory?
simple effects model that assumes the audience to be passive recipients of media content
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When was the hyperdermic needle theory made?
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what audience is hyperdermic needle theory for?
passive audience
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Who theorised the hyperdermic needle theory?
Harold Lasswell
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What does the hyperdermic needle theory ignore?
Ignores the idea that not everyone in the audience behaves in the same way
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When was uses and gratifications theory first introduced?
In the 1940s
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Who is the uses and gratifications theory credited to?
Blumer and Katz
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What does the uses and gratifications theory do?
characterises people as active and motivated in selecting the media they choose to consume
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What did Blumer and Katz identify?
1.Survelliance- need to know what's going on in the world,2.Personal relationships-need to interact with each other,3.Personal identity-need to define our identity and sense of self, 4. Diversion-need for escpae entertainment and relaxation
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What is moral panic theory?
when someone or something is defined by the media as a threat to the values or interests of society
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Who is the main moral panic theorist?
Stanley Cohen
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In Cohen's view what does the media do?
The media overreact aspects of behaviour which challenge social norms
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In extreme cases what can moral panic cause?
Moral panic can cause mass hysteria within society- the general public start to believe whatever is being reported on is occuring everywhere in society
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What did Cohen say the 5 stages of moral panic are?
1. Something or someone is defined as a threat to values or interests 2. This threat is depicted in an easily recognisable form by the media 3. There is a rapid build-up of public concern 4. There is a response from authorities or opinion makers 5. T
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What is media literacy?
the ability to identify different types of media and understand the messages they're sending
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What is the social learning theory?
Children obverse models around them and imitate their behaviour
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How does social learning theory link to media?
children can observe behaviour they see on TV then ENCODE their behaviour and may imitate it
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Who came up with the social learning theory?
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What was the experiment Bandura did called?
Bo bo doll experiment
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What is the cultivation theory?
exposure to media, over time, subtly "cultivates" viewers' perceptions of reality
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Who created the cultivation theory?
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What is Socialisation?-Gerbner
How we learn the norms and values of our culture
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What is standardisation?-Gerbner
The process of making something conform to a standard
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What is enculturation?-Gerbner
The process of acquiring culture
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What is bardic function?-Gerbner
TV and it’s role within society
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What is Cultivation differential?-Gerbner
The gap between heavy viewers over light viewers of TV
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What is mainstreaming?-Gerbner
Those whose life experience is different from what the tv shows, they will be more likely to be influenced by the messaging
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What is resonance?-Gerbner
The audience see something on TV they have experienced themselves. You will believe it more
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Mean world syndrome?-Gerbner
Constantly seeing violence on t.v. leads the viewer to believe that the world is a much more dangerous place then it is
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Agenda setting-reception theory
the process where the mass media determine what public society think and worry about
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What is the framing theory?- Reception theory
how something is presented to the audience influences the choices people make about how to process that information.
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What is a myth?-reception theory
The dominant ideologies of our time, not necessarily true
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What are conditions of consumption?-reception theory
How much information and entertainment that is taken in by a group or individual
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What is encode?-Hall’s ideas on reception theory
What the producers try to get across to you
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What is decode?-Hall’s ideas on reception theory
The process through which an audience interprets a message.(Through 3 categories)
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Hegenomic/preferred reading-Hall
What producers hope audience will take from the text
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Negotiated reading-Hall
When audience acknowledge preferred reading but modify it to suit their own values and opinions
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Oppositional reading-Hall
Audience will disagree with messaging
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What is a prosumer?- fandom theory and end of audience theories
When a consumer produces their own content
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What is interactivity?-fandom theory
When media allows the user to take an active involvement in media
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What is participatory culture?-Jenkins ideas on fandom
A culture where the public don’t act as consumers only but also as contributors or prosumers
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What is textual poaching?-Jenkins ideas on fandom
When fans steal mass-media texts really their own pleasure
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What are digital natives?-end of audience theories
A person who is brought up with technology from an early age
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What is Web 2.0?- end of audience theories
Where the internet involved interactivity, user participation and collaboration
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What is convergence?-end of audience theories
The coming together of technologies to create a new product or media experience
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What is Mass amateurisation?- shirkys ideas on end of audience theory
non-professionals creating digital media content that was traditionally done by professionals
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
When was the hyperdermic needle theory made?
Card 3
what audience is hyperdermic needle theory for?
Card 4
Who theorised the hyperdermic needle theory?
Card 5
What does the hyperdermic needle theory ignore?
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