Media - Audio Codes 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesAudio CodesA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: BlushingCloudsCreated on: 28-01-17 18:29 Audio Codes The use of sound in a media text, e.g. music 1 of 6 Diegetic Sound Sound that belongs in a text's narrative, e.g. birds chirping, dialogue 2 of 6 Non-Diegetic Sound Sound that does not belong in a text's narrative, e.g. music score 3 of 6 Entropic Sound Sounds that are unexpected. 4 of 6 Justified Sound Sounds that are expected 5 of 6 Contrapuntal Sound Sounds that do not fit with the action occurring in a text's narrative. 6 of 6
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