media keywords
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- Created by: geogt002
- Created on: 15-05-17 14:01
when the camera is moved up or down.
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the visual images and symbols used in a work of art or the study or interpretation of these.
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means the way in which a group or issue is presented to an audience. It is a selective version of reality and not necessarily accurate or complete.
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meaning by association, the deeper meaning (e.g. red connotes anger, passion, love, danger).
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suggested but not directly expressed; implicit.
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a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract.
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Symbolic annihilation
the absence of reresentation of a particular group within a media text. e.g. black people are not in harry brown.
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something prevalent to a particular time period.
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uses and gratifications
an approach to understanding why and how people actively seek out specific media to satisfy specific needs
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ethnic affinity targeting
when an advert or product is specifically aimed at a particular ethnic group. e.g. facebook had 2 separate ads to promote straight out of Compton to white and blacks.
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the idea that media supports a capitalist society(countries trade is controlled by individuals). e.g. the apprentice.
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the ‘thing’ that conveys the meaning, and the meaning conveyed. EG a red rose is a signifier, the signified is love.
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The way a story is put together within a text
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a lightweight mounting for a film camera which keeps it steady for filming when handheld or moving.
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rotating a camera on its vertical or horizontal axis in order to keep a moving person or object in view or allow the film to record a panorama.
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Sound whose source is visible on the screen or is implied to be present by the action of the film. e.g.voices of characters, sounds made by objects in the story,music represented as coming from instruments in the story space (source music).
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non digetic
sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action: narrator's commentary sound effects which is added for the dramatic effect mood music.
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an object, quality, or event whose presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.
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technical codes
the ways in which equipment is used to tell the story in a media text(camera,lighting and editing).
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the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests.
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action codes
Action codes are significant events which move the narrative on in a particular direction.
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putting together of visual images to form a sequence.
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male gaze
presenting women as objects of male pleasure.
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The group of consumers for whom the media text was constructed as well as anyone else who is exposed to the text.
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sell lines
Short, sharp description of the title's main marketing point (e.g.Cosmopolitan: 'The world's No 1 magazine for young women') or setting out its editorial philosophy.
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relating to or denoting a system of society or government controlled by men.
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willingness to obey others unquestioningly.
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a jib is a boom device with a camera on one end, and a weight and camera controls on the other. A jib permits the camera to be moved vertically, horizontally, or both. often mounted on a tripod.
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the type or category of a media text, according to its form, style and content.
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a sign which has a direct relationship with something it signifies, such as smoke signifies fire.
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A camera angle which is deliberately slanted to one side, sometimes used for dramatic effect to help portray unease, disorientation, frantic or desperate action, intoxication, madness, etc.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
the visual images and symbols used in a work of art or the study or interpretation of these.
Card 3
Card 4
Card 5
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