Media representations
5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: Dxmi_o
- Created on: 08-12-20 15:44
What is a countertype?
A positive representation of a group that is typically represented as weak or inferior
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What does misrepresentation mean?
The media misrepresenting a social group e.g. black people, bipolar disorder, homosexuals
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What does selective representation mean?
when some groups of people are represented more in the media than others
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What does dominant ideology mean?
The ideas, (attitudes, values, beliefs), of the ruling class in a society (majority of people in society)
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What does hegemony mean?
certain beliefs and attitudes (ways of thinking) through mass media has become dominant in society
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What does audience positioning mean?
The techniques used by producer to try get audience to understand the ideology of the text
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What is Judith Butler's theory about?
Gender is just a performance. It is a ‘stylised repetition of box acts’
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What does social constructionism mean?-Judith Butler
People's personality and behaviour are shaped by society and culture
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What does subvert mean?-Judith Butler
To go against something established
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What does androgynous mean?-Judith Butler
What does it cause according to Judith Butler?
What does it cause according to Judith Butler?
Neither strictly feminine or masculine
They cause 'gender trouble'
They cause 'gender trouble'
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What does effeminate mean?-Judith Butler
What does it cause according to Judith Butler?
What does it cause according to Judith Butler?
Qualities are more associated with women then men.
They cause 'gender trouble'
They cause 'gender trouble'
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what is Van Zoonen's theory about?
argues that gender is constructed and that its meaning varies dependent on cultural and historical context
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What are Van Zoonens views towards the media?
believes the media portray images of stereotypical women and this behaviour reinforces societal views.
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What does the mass media play a crucial role in?-Van Zoonen
in socialisation in teaching us how to behave and think in ways that our culture finds acceptable.
provide answers to questions like: What does it mean to be a woman? and What does it mean to be a man?
provide answers to questions like: What does it mean to be a woman? and What does it mean to be a man?
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What does feminism mean?-Van Zoonen
The belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power and opportunities as men and treated the same
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what does patriarchy and matriarchy mean?-Van Zoonen
patriarchy- a system where men hold power
matriarchy- a system where women hold power
matriarchy- a system where women hold power
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What is a quote Van Zoonen said on media?
'Media... transmit sexist, patriarchal or capitalist values to contribute to maintenance of social order'
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What does hegemony mean?-Van Zoonen
leadership or dominance
e.g. "Hegemonic masculinity in the 1960s was very oppressive for women"
e.g. "Hegemonic masculinity in the 1960s was very oppressive for women"
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What does discourse mean?
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What are quotes Van Zoonen said that are linked to male gaze?
(don't have to learn all)
(don't have to learn all)
"In western society to be looked at is the fate of women, while the act of looking is reserved to men" (this is their gender roles)
"the display of women as a spectacle to be looked at"
"the display of women as a spectacle to be looked at"
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What does objectification mean?-Van Zoonen
treating a person as a object
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What is voyeurism?
Pleasure from watching
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When did Laura Mulvey first come up with the term Male gaze?
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What are features of the male gaze?
Events which happen to women are presented in the context of a man's reaction to these events
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What is Gauntlett’s theory about?
We can use the media as a resource. We get our sense of identity through media we consume.
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What does he believe the media usually portray?
media products tend to convey singular, straightforward messages about identity.
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What’s Social constructionism?
people’s personality and behaviour are shaped by society and culture. Can adapt and change.
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Quote on what popular culture usually offer?
‘popular culture offers a range of stars, icons and characters from whom we can borrow ideas from.
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What is collective identity?
Personal sense of belonging to a group. Through watching media people can gain a sense of belonging and identity.
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What is fluidity of identity about?
Traditional view of gender roles e.g. women in the kitchen etc is slowly going. Created a space for greater diversity for identity.
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What is constructed identity?
Identity is a socially and historically constructed concept. We learn about our own identity and of others through interactions with family, peers , media etc
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What is negotiated identity?
A balance between our own desires (own individuality, how we want to present ourselves) and meeting the expectations of others(expected conformity to gender role) .
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What are codes? -Hall representation
the different ways in which media products communicate to their audience
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What are all representations of people and places in any media product?- Hall
are constructions of reality, not reality itself.
They are codes we deconstruct
They are codes we deconstruct
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What is colonialism?
fully or partially controlling, occupying and exploiting another country
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What is ethnocentricity?
belief that your ethnic group is superior
(Which race is presented on top and which one on the bottom)
(Which race is presented on top and which one on the bottom)
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What is otherness?
the quality of being different
(E.g. POC who watch tv may feel a sense of otherness)
(E.g. POC who watch tv may feel a sense of otherness)
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What are Gilroy on attitudes in the postcolonial west?
POC cannot have “the same vital humanity enjoyed by their rulers, captors, conquerors”
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Gilroy’s quote on racial indifference?
‘racial difference...makes ethnocentrism inescapable’
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What is a diaspora?
A diaspora is a large group of people with a similar heritage or homeland who have since moved out to places all over the world.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What does misrepresentation mean?
The media misrepresenting a social group e.g. black people, bipolar disorder, homosexuals
Card 3
What does selective representation mean?

Card 4
What does dominant ideology mean?

Card 5
What does hegemony mean?

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