media revision 0.0 / 5 ? Media Studiespaper 1A2/A-levelNone Created by: kendall777Created on: 08-06-22 13:11 who made enigma codes Barthes 1 of 20 what is a Hermeneutic code Any element of the story not fully explained 2 of 20 what is a Proairetic code Something that indicates something else will happen 3 of 20 what is a Semantic code Connotation within the story , can be used to develop an idea 4 of 20 what is a Symbolic code Looking deeper into the idea of a Semantic code 5 of 20 what is a Cultural code A foundation for the truth , cannot be challenge 6 of 20 what is the most common code in a music video Hermeneutic 7 of 20 what is a Symbolic semiotic code images , colours , body language ,gestures 8 of 20 what is a Technical semiotic code camera angle , lighting , focus 9 of 20 what is a Narrative semiotic code there something behind it 10 of 20 what was Bergers theory we never look at one thing our mind is constantly active 11 of 20 what was Mulveys theory women in the media are viewed from the eyes of a man, and that these women are represented as passive objects of male desire. 12 of 20 what is the era shown in Beyoncé music video for formation Antebellum 13 of 20 what is another main theme of Beyoncé formation Hurricane Katrina 14 of 20 what is the ideology behind the swimming pool scene in formation if someone of colour swam in the same swimming pool as a white person they would drain the pool 15 of 20 how does Stuart hall apply to formation media products contain multiple meaning 16 of 20 who is the theorist for binary opposition Levi Straus 17 of 20 who is the theorist for the feminist theory Belle hooks 18 of 20 what is IPSO independent press standard organisation-hold newspapers and magazines to account for their actions 19 of 20 why was IPSO regulated This was set up due to journalists intercepting phones as a way to create press 20 of 20
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