Media Studies -Theorists ! 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesTheoristsA2/A-levelOCR Created by: ameliah05Created on: 04-05-23 12:23 which theorist said "womens bodies are used as products and objects" van zoonen 1 of 9 which theorist said "consumers are producers now " clay shirky 2 of 9 Who's theory is cultural industries David hesmolgh 3 of 9 whats livingstone and lunts theory ? regualtion - protect the viewer and be in the best intrest of them 4 of 9 who's theory is about media directly implanting ideas into people brains bandura 5 of 9 what's the difference between Gerber and banduras theory gerbners is over long periods of time banduras is straight away 6 of 9 name all the language theorists todorov,barthes,neale,baudrilard,straus 7 of 9 What's Neale's theory's genre is dominated by repetition and change 8 of 9 who's not a representation theorist ? shirky&jenkins 9 of 9
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