Media Terminology 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesA2 MediaA2/A-levelOCR Created by: *ihavenoidea*Created on: 16-03-16 19:31 Mainstream Popular in advertising 1 of 22 Independant Not as poular as big names (Universal) - Nonpopular 2 of 22 Franchise Films with sequals 3 of 22 Pitch Selling a film in order to create it 4 of 22 Hegamoney when something is dominate 5 of 22 Post-modernisim Is the era after newness 6 of 22 Simulacra The real world isn't reality 7 of 22 Net neautrality Banning (controlling) whats on the internet 8 of 22 Denotation/Connotation Denotation-Pausing a frame and describing. Connotation-Symbolism 9 of 22 Demographic Target audience 10 of 22 Vertigal Integration When things match together 11 of 22 Subvert/Conform conventions Conform conventions-either keep to just one genre. Subvert-not going along with just one genre 12 of 22 Semiotic Study of signs in films ( a certain object) 13 of 22 Cause/effect everything with an action has a cause 14 of 22 Technical code All of the industry type features 15 of 22 Hybrid Combined genre of film 16 of 22 Asteric Use of make up, the look on a character 17 of 22 Maxism Role reversed 18 of 22 Spectacle an event or scene regarded in terms of its visual impact 19 of 22 Metamotive A film within a film and can mess with your overall view of certain things 20 of 22 Representation the way the media represent individuals, groups, events and issues 21 of 22 Auteur You know when it's someones film, director with distinctive features 22 of 22
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