1) Stereotypes & Representation 2) Reception Theory
1 of 19
What is the Stereotypes and Representations theory and when is it used?
People are ridiculed to few characteristics traits and it's used when there is an inequality in power so people are labelled 'different' or 'other'
2 of 19
What is the reception theory?
Media codes and we as audiences decode the codes. There is three different types of people who decode the codes.
3 of 19
What are the 3 types of audiences in the reception theory?
1) Dominant = accepts the text's code - target audience 2) Negotiated = partly accepts the text's code and modifies it 3) Oppositional = regrets the texts code and the preferred reading
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What is George Gerbner's theory?
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What is the cultivation theory?
If we are repeatedly constructed to certain types of representation over long periods of time, it shapes and influences the way we see the world. It also reinforces mainstream values.
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Who is the theorist that discusses reinforcing gender ideology?
David Gauntlett
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What is the meaning of David Gauntlett's pick & mix theory?
We are provided with tools by the media to help construct out identities. Old media = straight forward messaged about the ideal types of m+f traits however there is now a diverse range of stars, icons etc so we can pick & mix our identities.
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What is Katz and Bulmer's Gratification theory?
Media is used by audiences fro gratification = 1) Diversion 2) Social Interaction 3) Surveillance 4) Personal identification.
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What is the hyperdermic needle theory?
Media 'injects' us with ideas, beliefs and thoughts and as we are passive audiences we accept this.
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Who are the 4 narrative structuralists?
1) Tzvetan Todorov 2) Claude Levi-Straus 3) Barthes 4) Vladimir Propp
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What are the five codes by Barthes?
1) Proairetic Code = Action 2) Hermeneutic = Enigma 3) Cultural Code = our knowledge and understanding of the world 4) Symbolic = Deeper meaning 5) Semiotic Code = Connotations
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What is Propp's narrative structure?
Charecter Roles
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What are the character roles?
The false hero, the hero, the princess, the helper, the princess' father, the villain, the dispatcher, the donor
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What is Todorovs narrative structure?
A circle of events that happen once in a linear narrative = 1) Equilibrium 2) Disruption of equilibrium 3) Reconstruction of equilibrium 4) Repair equilibrium 5) New equilibrium
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What is Claude Levi's structure?
Binary opposites
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What is the 2-Step flow theory?
Step 1 ) Mass media message reaches opinion leaders Step 2) Opinion leaders pass on their own interpretation as well as the actual content of the message to those whom they influence
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Who created the News Values theory?
J.Gaultung & M.Ruge = The Gate Keepers
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What is the News Values theory?
Particular factors applied cross a rage of news organisations that influence news selection
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the Stereotypes and Representations theory and when is it used?
People are ridiculed to few characteristics traits and it's used when there is an inequality in power so people are labelled 'different' or 'other'
Card 3
What is the reception theory?
Card 4
What are the 3 types of audiences in the reception theory?
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