component 1 media theory's

  • Created by: brodda221
  • Created on: 24-10-23 16:30
Roland Barthes code theory
Barthes theorised that media products were embedded with codes by producers which audiences could decipher/decode to gain more meaning.
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Levi Strauss binary opposition
A theory which suggests that a good story revolves around conflict between binary opposites (two things represented as totally different to one another). Binary Opposites could be good vs evil, men vs women, young vs old, Britain vs Germany
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Steve Neale genre
A theory which suggests two things about the genre.
1) Audiences enjoy specific texts because of the "repetition and difference" of genre element repertoires.
2) Genre is not something static, as it is always
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Carol Clover
Most horror films feature a female protagonist who uses her wits and survival skills, fighting and clawing her way to victory over a killer
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Stuart Hall representation theory
Hall believes that we can understand representations by looking at the meaning of media language.
He thinks that media products contain a 'shared conceptual roadmap' that audiences are familiar with and helps us understand the representations being portra
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Van Zoonen representation theory
The idea is that gender is constructed and that its meaning varies depending on cultural and historical context.
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Bell Hooks
She preaches that the patriarchal ideology brainwashes men to believe their domination of women is beneficial when it is not.
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David Hesmondhalgh ownership
Hesmondhalgh argues that major cultural organisations create products for different industries in order to maximise chances of commercial success.
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Stuart Hall reception theory
Believes that although the media TRY and pass along particular messages
He thinks audiences might take a Preferred reading - where they accept the messages in the product. Oppositional Reading - where they reject the messages in the product. Negotiated Re
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Curran and Seaton horizontal and vertical integration
The idea that cultural industry companies try to minimise risk and maximise audiences through vertical and horizontal integration, and by formatting their cultural products (e.g. through the use of stars, genres, and serials).
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Blumer and Katz uses and gratifications
A theory suggests that active audiences use the media for different reasons.
They think audiences are active and that the media plays a "function" for audiences. They think the main functions of the media are:
Personal Identity
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Card 2


Levi Strauss binary opposition


A theory which suggests that a good story revolves around conflict between binary opposites (two things represented as totally different to one another). Binary Opposites could be good vs evil, men vs women, young vs old, Britain vs Germany

Card 3


Steve Neale genre


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Card 4


Carol Clover


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Card 5


Stuart Hall representation theory


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