Media key terms 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Media StudiesASAll boards Created by: BrandonCreated on: 18-02-13 23:21 Mise en scene Refers to everything that appears before the camera- talk about costumes, props, colour, body language, amke up, location and lighting 1 of 9 Denotation the simple description of an image/sound without any meanings attached to it. 2 of 9 Connotations The meaning that the audience give to the sign/image/sound according to it's context and cultural experiences of the audience. 3 of 9 Anchorage The text captions or voice over that accompanies a text and "anchor" it's meaning 4 of 9 Polysemic images Images which have many possible meanings 5 of 9 Audience Groups of people who are all watching/consuming a specific media text. 6 of 9 Target audience Specific groups of people that media producers or advertisers want to reach. 7 of 9 Diegetic Sound This is the sound that exists in the world of story, sounds that the characters can hear. 8 of 9 Non-diegetic Exists outside of the world of story, sounds the characters cannot hear. 9 of 9
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