Media Revision A Key Terms 0.0 / 5 ? Media StudiesASOCR Created by: Emma WhelanCreated on: 10-05-13 13:59 E.S Opening shot, often LS which establishes the scene or envirnoment 1 of 23 M.S A wide camera shot which all the action in a film seen is visible 2 of 23 CU Shot taken close to the subject, often a persons head or signifiicant object 3 of 23 XCU Shot in which the scale of the object is even larger, e.g the eye or face fills the screen 4 of 23 XLS Subject is extremely small in relation to the size of the screen. 5 of 23 LS Object shown on screen is small in relation to the size of the screen 6 of 23 MCU Shot framing the human figure from the chest up 7 of 23 MLS Shot framing a human from the knees up 8 of 23 MS Shot framing the human figure from the waist up. 9 of 23 OTS Over the shoulder 10 of 23 WS Wide Shot 11 of 23 POV Point of view shot 12 of 23 2S Two shot, two subjects in frame 13 of 23 3S Three shot, three subjects in the frame. 14 of 23 HA Camera placed above the plane of action 15 of 23 LA Camera placed below the plane of action 16 of 23 Canted/Dutch Deliberately slanted to one side to create unease and disorientation 17 of 23 Pan Moving of the camera 180degrees to left or rightin on a horizontal plane 18 of 23 Tilt Vertical Pivot of the camera 19 of 23 Zoom/Reverse Zoom focus zooms in and out 20 of 23 Crane Vertical movement of entire camera using crane 21 of 23 Track Camera mounted on tracks left/right fluidly used for walking scenes and car shots 22 of 23 Dolly Movement of entire camera on wheels in any direction 23 of 23
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