Media Terms
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- Created by: Bronte Tighe
- Created on: 10-05-14 15:59
Sound that is part of the world/ film , sound effects , dialogue, Foley, silence.
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Non- Diegetic
Not Part of world/Film. soundtrack, incidental music, voice overs, laughter track.
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sound matches mood / whats going on on the screen.
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Sound Does not match mood/whats going on on the screen.
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Parts of the text that give meaning e.g people, locations, colours , objects. what you can see.
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Signified/ connotation
Meanings conveyed by the signifiers e.g beauty , wealth etc.
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Non - verbal communication
body language, gestures, facial expressions, gaze.
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Mode Of Adress
Above+Camera shots and angles , language. can be Direct , Non-direct , Formal or Informal.
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layout , placement of objects on page
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image manipulation
Filters ( colour , effects) , cropping, airbrushing, texture, shadows, 3D,background removal.
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High Key , Low Key, top / under, back , ambient/artificial colour, filters, colour scheme.
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Serif ( Typography)
Bar at the end of the letters.
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Sans Serif (Typography)
no Bar at the end of the letters
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Script ( Typography)
fancy , like handwriting.
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Headline, sub -heading, cover line, exclusive, tagline, slogan.
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words inside a shape on a magazine draws the audiences attention to it,
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gives the magazine an identity e.g for fun fearless teens.
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emotive, formal, informal
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plays on words
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a style or category of art, music,film or literature.
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Parent Genre
Main Genre e.g Drama
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Sub Genre
Branch of Main Genre e.g Period Drama
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Mix Of Genres e.g a comedic horror film like scary movie
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Genre Icons
things that symbolize the genre
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what you expect from a genre e.g a horror you would expect a scream
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goes against genre expectations
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Popular/Tabloid newspapers
Smaller size, large text, lots of pictures , sensationalism, mainly w/C audience e.g the sun.
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Quality/ Broadsheet newspaper
can be larger size, smaller text, fewer pictures , hard news, mainly M/C and U/C audience e.g the guardian or the times.
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Mid Market Newspaper
Mixture of Tabloid and Broadsheet, wide audience , can be national e.g mail and express or local like the surrey mirror.
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Alternative Newpaper
low budget, very political , often left wing, like a newsletter e.g big issue or Schnews.
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Aims to be impartial
The Independant
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Right Wing Bias
for social hierachy , individual wealth , nationalistic. Mail , Telegraph, Times , Express, Sun
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Left Wing Bias
for social equality, welfare state. Guardian , Observer , Mirror, Sun
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Todorov's Theory
that every situation has a equilibrium , disruption, recognition , repair and new equilibrium.
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episode starts and everything is balanced e.g The Friends are getting ready for a party together. Phoebe brings her new boyfriend over.
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something happens- the disruption e.g The friends take a dislike to the new man, but don’t know how to tell Phoebe.
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they realize something has gone wrong e.g Phoebe overhears her friends making fun of her boyfriend, and becomes upset
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They fix the problem e.g The friends try to tell Phoebe how sorry they are. Phoebe soon begins to realise they are right about him. and dumps him
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Themes / binary Opposites
Romance vs friendship , Rich vs poor , Good Vs Evil, Clever Vs Stupid Etc
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Propps characters
Hero (Shrek) , Villain ( Lord Farquard) , Princess (Fiona), Donor , Dispatcher, Helper (Donkey)
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Enigma Code
Creates uncertainty , makes the audience ask a question e.g why is he going to kill his brother.
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Action Code
Signals something is about to happen e.g pulls a gun out of a draw.
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Restricted View
Audience Knows as much as the characters
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Non-Restricted View
Audience Knows More Than The Characters
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Chronological order
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Flashbacks , Flash forwards, circular narrative.
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Multi Stranded
Lots of Plot Lines / subplots , A story , B story e.g big Bang Or Glee
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Target Audience
the audience the media text is aimed at.
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Primary V Secondary
Main Vs Alternative / Other
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Demographic Data
Easily measured : gender , age, ethnicity, sexual orientation, income, social class, job , family , geographical area.
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Psychographic Data
More subjective e.g personality , values , attitudes, opinions , interests, leisure activities , life experiences, lifestyle , consumption of media texts.
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Audience Positioning
How Do we perceive the characters / issues . events. how do they make us feel? dominant? submissive? do we like/ dislike something? audience positioning is achieved through M.O.A and Tech codes.
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Passive Audience
Accepts media Messages without a question media can change their attitudes and behavior.
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Hypodermic Needle
Media has a direct effect on our behavior and attitudes can lead to scape goats and moral panics.
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Scape goats
a person or group who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others e.g teens for theft / violence
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Moral panic
an instance of public anxiety or alarm in response to a problem regarded as threatening the moral standards of society. e.g everyone starts to fear teens
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Inoculation theory/Desensitisation
Due to repeated exposure over time- we care less about issues e.g violence , drugs , alcohol etc.
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Active Audience
audience decodes media texts according to their situated culture ( demographic and psychographic data) audience takes an active role in reading texts will question or even reject media messages.
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2 step flow
2 steps involved in reading a media text : step 1 opinion readers interpret media texts . step 2 the views of opinion leaders inform the way we read the same media texts.
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Uses and Gratifications
Survalliance - learn something , Personal Identity , Social Interaction , Diversion / Escapism.
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Reception Analysis
Different audiences decode media texts in different ways. Dominant ( accepts messages) , Negotiated (middle) , Oppositional ( rejects)
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The 4C's ( only to be used in adverts)
cross cultural consumer characterisation
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The Explorer
Adventurous , seek discovery and different experiences will want new brands and products.
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The Aspirer
Obsessed with appearance , materialistic , seek status. will want products with fancy packaging.
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The Succeder
Confident, Organised, Ambitious, Seek Control will want top brands, caring and protective products , rewards.
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The Reformer
Intellectual, Anti-Materialistic, tolerant, seek enlightenment , want authentic harmonious products.
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The Mainstream
Domestic , Like routine , Family orientated , Seek Security want established brands , value for money.
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The Struggler
Live for today , disorganized , seek escapism. want alcohol , junk food, visual impact and physical sensation.
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The Resigned
Traditional , nostalgic, Often Older, Seek Survival. want familiar , safe products , economically sound.
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the way the media takes aspects of reality and recreates or constructs them in texts.
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the process by which the media selects , constructs and anchors a particular view of the world.
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Closing or Restricting the meaning of a text.
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A system of ideas , values and beliefs promoted by dominant groups to reinforce their power.
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Assumptions about a person based on one characteristic.
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Gender VS Sex
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Traditional VS modern , laddism , new man , metrosexual, gay .
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Jock, Jocker, Bufforn, Big Shot, Strong Silent Type, action hero.
examples of masculinity
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Feminism , male gaze , sex positive feminism, post feminism, girl power , laddetts, female masculinity, active Vs Passive.
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Ethnicity Vs Race, Ethnic Groups, visibility, tokenism, white supremacy , slavery, Alvarado's theory, magical *****.
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Alvarado's theory
Exotic , Dangerous, Humorous, Pitied.
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Children , Teens, Early Twenties, Stereotypes
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Older Age
Middle Aged, Mid Life crisis, Over 60 Youth Culture
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National Identity
Nationality : British , British icons, stereotypes , traditional vs modern , multiculturalism.
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Regional Identity
North Vs South Stereotypes country, icons, rural vs urban stereotypes.
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Effect of violent computer games on behavior is Multiculturalism a good or bad thing. Ideology
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Thatchers Death , Boston Marathon Bombing, Newsworthy , News Values , Impartial vs Bias, Sensationalism, types of newspaper , public service tv , independent tv.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Not Part of world/Film. soundtrack, incidental music, voice overs, laughter track.
Non- Diegetic
Card 3
sound matches mood / whats going on on the screen.
Card 4
Sound Does not match mood/whats going on on the screen.
Card 5
Parts of the text that give meaning e.g people, locations, colours , objects. what you can see.
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