This suggest's that audiences are ACTIVE. They make choices and selections about the media. Surveillance, Personal Identity, Relationships with the media, Relationships with other people and Diversion.
1 of 5
Explain Alvarado
Suggests that black cultures are represented in stereotypical ways: Exotic=black models, Dangerous: stereotypes of violence, Comic: Push cultural boundaries, Victim: impoverished cultures
2 of 5
Explain The Hypodermic Syringe Theory
Media Content Changes Behaviour. The media 'injects' ideas, attitudes and belieefs into the audience who as a powerless mass have little choice but to be influenced.
3 of 5
Explain 2-Step-Flow Theory
Audiences mediate information recieved directly from the media with the ideas and hthoughts expressed by the 'opinion leaders', diminishing the power of the media in the eyes of researchers. Social Factors are important!
4 of 5
Explain Reception Theory
The text is encoded by the producer, and decoded by the reader, and there may be a major difference between two different readings of the same code.
5 of 5
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Suggests that black cultures are represented in stereotypical ways: Exotic=black models, Dangerous: stereotypes of violence, Comic: Push cultural boundaries, Victim: impoverished cultures
Explain Alvarado
Card 3
Media Content Changes Behaviour. The media 'injects' ideas, attitudes and belieefs into the audience who as a powerless mass have little choice but to be influenced.
Card 4
Audiences mediate information recieved directly from the media with the ideas and hthoughts expressed by the 'opinion leaders', diminishing the power of the media in the eyes of researchers. Social Factors are important!
Card 5
The text is encoded by the producer, and decoded by the reader, and there may be a major difference between two different readings of the same code.
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