Medical biology and pathology 0.0 / 5 ? OtherOptometryUniversityNone Created by: hashmisCreated on: 03-12-17 22:44 Stages of disease 1. Aetiology, 2. Pathogenesis, 3. Diagnosis, 4. Treatment, 5. Prognosis, 6. Pathology 1 of 5 Genetic aetiology Inborn error in genetic program 2 of 5 Infectious aetiology Infectious agent invades the body 3 of 5 Environmental aetiology Toxin or dietary deficiency 4 of 5 Stages of coronal artery atherosclerosis 1. Normal artery, 2. Fat accumulation, Necrosis of plaque, 4. Rupture, 5. Thrombosis 5 of 5
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