Medicine Stands Still
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- Created by: bellatix17
- Created on: 16-07-18 12:28
What does the acronym C Sir Wig which reminds you of factors that influence medical developments stand for?
C=Chance S=Science and technology I-=Individulals input R= Religion W=War I=improved communications,spread of understanding
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What is the theory of the 4 humours?
The theory that if your 4 humours(black bile,yellow bile,blood and plegm) are out of balance then you will get ill
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Which humour was thought to link to which element and season?
Yellow bile=summer=fire Black bile=autumn=earth Phlegm=winter=water Blood=spring=air
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Give 4 facts about Hippocrates
Was an important doctor in Ancient Greece, thought diseases had natural causes, not spiritual, based his medicine on the 4 humours,developed the patient, doctor postive relationship, which inpsired the Hippocratic oath.
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Give 4 facts about Galen
Dissected many animals,and had relatively good anatomical knowledge, although he made some mistakes. Discovered that arteries carry blood. Created the theory of opposites.
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What is prognosis?
making an educated guess about what the illness will do next (looking forward)
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What is diagnosis?
To look at symptons and decide what condition it is?
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What is observation?
Look and record progress and symtoms and disease
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What is treatment?
Give medicines or advise on how to combat illness
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How did Christianity help medicine?
Founded many hospitals,accepted Galen's ideas and recorded them
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How did Christanity hinder medicine?
Thought they shouldn’t heal, just help,Didn’t like new ideas
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How did Islam help medicine?
Intended to cure patients, not just look after them, Treated everybody, rich and poor, Muslim and non-Muslim,Were caring towards those with mental illnesses,Were encouraged to seek new medical learning, not just follow old ways
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Give an example of a Muslim doctor who made progress.
Avicenna (Ibn Sina) wrote a huge encyclopedia of medicine with all the Greek and Islamic medical knowledge of the time. It was over a million words long
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What was a wound man?
Anatomical design chart of the body,which showed all the different wounds and injuries humans could suffer from
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What was a urine chart?
Showed all the different colours of urine, and what they meant for the persons health. This helped medieval doctors to make a diagnosis.
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What were leeches used for?
On a wound to **** the blood, with the idea that they would take out the infection.
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What was blood letting used for?
To try and get out the infection
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What new things did doctors try in the medieval time?
Taking peoples pulse( from Galen) and purging people to " clear out the bad stuff" and balance the 4 humours
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Who were wise women?
Women who used herbs to cure illnesses,often passed down through families
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Who were barber surgeons?
Barbers, who because they were qualified with blades, occasionally performed amputations
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What was cauterisation?
A common method of burning the wound to stop the flow of blood.Was very painful, and many did not survive.
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What was trepanning?
Drilling a hole in the brain to drive out demons,which were thought to cause mental illnesses,headaches and epilepsy.
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What were some main problems for medieval doctors?
Bleeding, shock,pain and infection
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How did they try and solve this problem?
Cauterisation for bleeding,opiumand henbane to dull pain, however a strong dose of opium could kill a patient.
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Give an example pf one medieval doctor who made progress
Frugardi- warned against trepanning, tried ambitious chest operations and tried to remove bladder stones.
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Why were monasteries cleaner than towns?
Had fancy water purifying systems, bathed regularly,as cleanliness was meant to be close to godliness.
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When did the Black Death first hit England?
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Give 4 symptoms of the Black Death
Red rings on skin, a fever, cough up blood, painful eyes, dizziness, aches and pains, diarrhea (dehydration) hallucinations,pus filled black buboes in the armpits and groin, your body turns black
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What were the three strains of the plague
Bubonic and mnemonic were the main ones, but septismic plague also infected the blood
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Give 3 believed causes of the plague
That God had sent it as a punishment, that the miasma (stinking breath of the wind/ bad smells) had brought it from other infected countries, that the Jews had caused it
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Give 3 believed cures of the plague
To whip yourself to show that you've repented of your sins,to isolate yourself , to apply a paste of human excrement to the buboes, to alternate sleeping on your right and left side of your body to relieve pressure from your liver
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Give two negative consequences of the black death, and two positive ones
Positive- the feudal system was destroyed, people realised that death was inevitable whatever class you came from,Negative-Violent cults appeared and morality was left behind, harvests were left ungathered, cattle unattended, famine came about
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the theory of the 4 humours?
The theory that if your 4 humours(black bile,yellow bile,blood and plegm) are out of balance then you will get ill
Card 3
Which humour was thought to link to which element and season?
Card 4
Give 4 facts about Hippocrates
Card 5
Give 4 facts about Galen
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