believed in natural causes of disease, and encouraged doctors to treat illness using natural methods.
1 of 7
Greek physician. he believed that illness was caused by imbalances of the four humours. Just as Hippocrates did, he told doctors to observe patients carefully and record symptoms. mistakes because he had to use only animals.
2 of 7
The Four Humours Theory
doctors believed illness was caused by an imbalance either phlegm, yellow bile, black bile and blood
3 of 7
Studied anatomy, became professor of surgery and anatomy at Padua. He was allowed to do dissections. His most famous book was ‘On The Fabric of the Human Body’ written in 1543. able to point out some of Galen’s mistakes.
4 of 7
battlefield surgeon; this was still a low status profession. he ran out of boiling oil which was used for treating gunshot wounds. Paré made an old Roman ointment of roses, turpentine and egg yolk. Carried out an experiment to disprove Galen.
5 of 7
William Harvey
Discovers the circulation of the blood, disproving Galen’s ideas. writes “An Anatomical Account of the Motion of the Heart and Blood”.
6 of 7
Stopped Reading Galen
New understanding of the body and Galen’s descriptions were incomplete and sometimes wrong. The invention of the proved that Harvey’s ideas were right. Theory of the four humours no longer accepted.
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Greek physician. he believed that illness was caused by imbalances of the four humours. Just as Hippocrates did, he told doctors to observe patients carefully and record symptoms. mistakes because he had to use only animals.
Card 3
doctors believed illness was caused by an imbalance either phlegm, yellow bile, black bile and blood
Card 4
Studied anatomy, became professor of surgery and anatomy at Padua. He was allowed to do dissections. His most famous book was ‘On The Fabric of the Human Body’ written in 1543. able to point out some of Galen’s mistakes.
Card 5
battlefield surgeon; this was still a low status profession. he ran out of boiling oil which was used for treating gunshot wounds. Paré made an old Roman ointment of roses, turpentine and egg yolk. Carried out an experiment to disprove Galen.
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