God (rewarding/testing faith & punishing) & astrology (planets) declining in popularity due to decline in religion & growth of science
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Natural causes of illness - Renaissance
Four humours theory (however this was in decline), most popular was miasma/seeds in the air increase & focus on prevention & street cleaning
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1) (Galen) Individuals - Renaissance
Vesalius studied anatomy, dissecting humans not animals as Galen had done(proved Galen wrong, jaw bone is in one part not two)
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2) Individuals - Renaissance
Sydenham, believed observation was the best way to diagnose an illness (didn't think books were helpful)
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Religion - Renaissance
The church was less powerful meaning new ideas could be discovered and shared e.g. allowing dissections
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Science and technology - Renaissance
The Royal society was a group of scientists who met and talked & inquired about science by 1665 they wrote about ideas such as microscopes
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Attitudes - Renaissance
There was a conservative attitude that still existed but there was also a attitude of enquiry
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Prevention - Renaissance
There was less focus on hygiene, bath houses were distrusted in order to avoid syphilis, some interest in a balanced diet & lifestyle, most prevention was about avoiding dirty areas
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Treatments - Renaissance
Transference e.g. strapping a bird to buboes, new herbs e.g. Cinchona bark for malaria
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Education & training - Renaissance
Physicians were now trained at universities, new ideas from Vesalius and Sydenham were taught (this didn't help with treatments), little practical training, new books did help though, increased focus on training for surgeons & apothecaries
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Hospitals - Renaissance
number of hospitals had declined after monasteries had shut down (1500s), recovered by 1700, better care, some used for quarantine e.g. Plague houses, Women still helped at home (herbal remedies) and in the community
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William Harvey CASE STUDY - Renaissance
proved Galen wrong by showing the heart produced blood & circulated it around the body, he was inspires by the new technology for water pumps, skilled & dedicated worker his work inspired others to enquire, was ignored ideas not helpful practically
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Great Plague CASE STUDY (causes) - Renaissance
most people believed it was caused by miasma
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Great Plague CASE STUDY (treatment) - Renaissance
herbal treatments such as "London's treacle"
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Great Plague CASE STUDY (prevention) - Renaissance
Increased understanding in quarantine, focus on prevention, carrying herbs, smoking tobacco
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Great Plague CASE STUDY (government) - Renaissance
banning of public meetings, killing of cats and dogs, employing wardens to search for and quarantine plague vicitms
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Natural causes of illness - Renaissance
Four humours theory (however this was in decline), most popular was miasma/seeds in the air increase & focus on prevention & street cleaning
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