Medicine Individuals 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryMedicine through time (OCR History A)GCSEEdexcel Created by: JoeCreated on: 13-05-14 16:11 Hippocrates [Ancient Greece] 4 humors 1 of 17 Galen [Ancient Rome] Treatment of opposites. Brain controlled body. 2 of 17 Vesalius [Renaissance] Dissected bodies. Proved Galen was wrong about heart and jaw bone. 3 of 17 Pare [Renaissance] New ideas on sealing wounds and stopping bleeding. 4 of 17 Harvey [Renaissance] Heart was a pump that circulated blood around body. 5 of 17 Jenner [1750 - 1900] Used cowpox to vaccinate against smallpox. 6 of 17 Simpson [1750 - 1900] Experimented with chloroform as an anesthetic. 7 of 17 Pasteur [1750 - 1900] Developed germ theory 8 of 17 Chadwick [1750 - 1900] 1842 report linked conditions in towns to disease 9 of 17 Nightingale [1750 - 1900] Improved hospitals. Turned nursing into a profession. 10 of 17 Lister [1750 - 1900] Experiments with antiseptics and carbolic sprays for surgery 11 of 17 Koch [Modern World] Used dyes to stain germs. 12 of 17 Ehrlich [Modern World] Developed magic bullets - chemicals which killed germs without harming body. 13 of 17 Flemming [Modern World] Discovered penicillin mold could stop germs developing. 14 of 17 Florey And Chain [Modern World] Developed Flemming's idea of penicillin 15 of 17 Crick And Watson [Modern World] Discovered DNA is in all living things. 16 of 17 Barnard [Modern World] First heart transplant in 1967. 17 of 17
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