medicine through time- prehistoric to the Black death 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryMedicine through time (OCR History A)GCSEAQA Created by: GeorgiaAustinCreated on: 11-02-15 19:00 Greek doctor Hippocrates 1 of 13 Roman Doctor Galen 2 of 13 Renaissance doctor who proved Galen wrong Vesalius 3 of 13 Looked at how the blood circulated Harvey 4 of 13 Came up with ligatures Paré 5 of 13 The Egyptians used this supernatural means for curing disease Charms 6 of 13 This technique involved drilling into the skull trephinning 7 of 13 How many points do you make in a 5 mark question? three 8 of 13 What key factor helped the Egyptians improve medicine? Communication 9 of 13 What was the strongest point of Roman medicine (two words no space) Publichealth 10 of 13 These medieval doctors wore herbs on their face?(two words no space) Quackdoctors 11 of 13 How was disease spread according to medieval people? Miasma 12 of 13 These people whipped themselves to please God and avoid the Plague Flagellants 13 of 13
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