Medieval Latin Vocabulary

(introduces question, particle)
1 of 496
2 of 496
a, ab + abl.
from, by
3 of 496
ac, atque
4 of 496
accido, accidere, accidi, accisum
fall upon, happen (verb 3)
5 of 496
ad + acc
to, towards, at
6 of 496
so much, so greatly (adverb)
7 of 496
up to now (adverb)
8 of 496
adsum, adesse, adfui
be here, be present (verb irreg)
9 of 496
advenio, advenire, adveni, adventum
reach, arrive at (verb 4)
10 of 496
aedifico, aedificare, aedificavi, aedificatum
build (verb 1)
11 of 496
aeger, aegra, agrum
sick (adjective)
12 of 496
aetas, aetatis
age (noun 3, f)
13 of 496
ager, agri
field (noun 2, m)
14 of 496
ago, agere, egi, actum
do, act (verb 3)
15 of 496
albus, -a, -um
white (adjective)
16 of 496
some...others (pronoun)
17 of 496
aliquis, aliquid
someone, something (pronoun)
18 of 496
alius, alia, aliud
other, another, else (pronoun)
19 of 496
alter, altera, alterum
another (adjective)
20 of 496
altus, -a, -um
high, deep (adjective)
21 of 496
ambulo, ambulare, ambulavi, ambulatum
walk (verb 1)
22 of 496
amicus, -i
friend (noun 2, m)
23 of 496
amitto, ammitere, amisi, amissum
lose (verb 3)
24 of 496
amo, amare, amavi, amatum
love (verb 1)
25 of 496
amor, amoris
love (noun 3, m)
26 of 496
ancilla, ancillae
slave-girl, maid (noun 1, f)
27 of 496
anima, animae
breath, spirit (noun 1, f)
28 of 496
animus, animi
spirit, soul, mind (noun 2, m)
29 of 496
annus, anni
year (noun 2, m)
30 of 496
previously, before (adverb)
31 of 496
aperio, aperire, aperui, apertum
open (verb 4)
32 of 496
appareo, apparere, apparui, apparitum
appear (verb 2)
33 of 496
appello, appellare, appellui, appelltus
call, name (verb 1)
34 of 496
appropinquo, appropinquare, appropinquavi, appropinquatus
approach, come near (verb 1)
35 of 496
apud + acc.
among, with, at the house of (preposition)
36 of 496
aqua, aquae
water (noun 1, f)
37 of 496
arma, armorum
arms (noun 2, n)
38 of 496
ars, artis
art, skill (noun 3, f)
39 of 496
ascendo, ascendere, ascendi, ascensum
climb (verb 3)
40 of 496
audax, audacis
bold, daring (adjective)
41 of 496
audio, audire, audivi, auditum
hear (verb 4)
42 of 496
aufero, auferre, abstuli, ablatum
take away, carry off, steal (verb irreg)
43 of 496
aureus, -a, -um
golden (adjective)
44 of 496
but (adverb)
45 of 496
auxilium, -i
help (noun 2, n)
46 of 496
avis, avis
bird (noun 3, f)
47 of 496
barbarus, -a, -um
barbarian, foreign (adjective)
48 of 496
basilica, -ae
law court (noun 1, f)
49 of 496
beatus, -a, -um
blessed (adjective)
50 of 496
bellum, -i
war, campaign (noun 2, n)
51 of 496
well (adverb)
52 of 496
bonus, -a, -um
good (adjective)
53 of 496
brevis, breve
short (adjective)
54 of 496
cado, cadere, cecidi, casum
fall (verb 3)
55 of 496
caelum, -i
sky, heaven (noun 2, n)
56 of 496
campus, -i
field, plain (noun 2, m)
57 of 496
canis, canis
dog (noun 3, m)
58 of 496
capio, capere, cepi, captum
seize, take (verb 3/4)
59 of 496
caput, capitis
head (noun 3, n)
60 of 496
carmen, carminis
song (noun 3, n)
61 of 496
carta, -ae
charter (noun 1, f)
62 of 496
carus, -a, -um
dear (adjective)
63 of 496
castra, -orum
camp (noun 2, n)
64 of 496
celer, celeris, celere
quick, fast (adjective)
65 of 496
celo, celare, celavi, celatus
hide (verb 1)
66 of 496
cena, -ae
dinner, meal (noun 1, f)
67 of 496
a hundred (number)
68 of 496
ceteri, ceterae, cetera
the rest, the others (adjective)
69 of 496
cibus, -i
food (noun 2, m)
70 of 496
circum +acc
around (preposition)
71 of 496
civis, civis
citizen (noun 3)
72 of 496
civitas, civitatis
state, city (noun 3, f)
73 of 496
clamo, clamare, clamavi, clamatus
shout (verb 1)
74 of 496
clamor, clamoris
shout, shouting, noise (noun 3, m)
75 of 496
coepi, coepisse, coeptum
have begun (verb irreg)
76 of 496
cogito, cogitare, cogitavi, cogitatus
think, consider (verb 1)
77 of 496
cognosco, cognoscere, cognovi, cognitum
get to know, find out (verb 3)
78 of 496
cogo, cogere, coegi, coactum
force, compel (verb 3)
79 of 496
comes, comitis
companion (noun 3, m)
80 of 496
concedo, concedere, concessi, concessum
grant, concede (verb 3)
81 of 496
condo, condere, condidi, conditum
build, found, compose (verb 3)
82 of 496
conficio, conficere, confeci, confectum
finish, wear out, exhaust (verb 3)
83 of 496
confirmo, confirmare, confirmavi, confirmatus
confirm (verb 1)
84 of 496
conor, conari, conatus sum
try (verb 1 deponent)
85 of 496
consilium, -i
plan, idea, advice (noun 2, n)
86 of 496
conspicio, conspicere, conspexi, conspectum
catch sight of, notice (verb 3)
87 of 496
constituo, constituere, constitui, constitutum
decide (verb 3)
88 of 496
consumo, consumere, consumpsi, consumptum
eat (verb 3)
89 of 496
convenio, convenire, conveni, conventum
come together, gather, meet (verb 4)
90 of 496
corpus, corporis
body (noun 3, n)
91 of 496
tomorrow (adverb)
92 of 496
credo, credere, credi, creditum
believe (verb 3)
93 of 496
crudelis, crudele
cruel (adjective)
94 of 496
when (conjunction)
95 of 496
cum + abl.
with (preposition)
96 of 496
cupio, cupere, cupivi, cupitum
want, desire (verb 3)
97 of 496
98 of 496
cura, -ae
care, worry (noun 1, f)
99 of 496
curia, -ae
court (noun 1, f)
100 of 496
curo, curare, curavi, curatus
care for (verb 1)
101 of 496
curro, currere, cucurri, cursum
run (verb 3)
102 of 496
custos, custodis
guard (noun 3, m)
103 of 496
de + abl.
from, down from, about (preposition)
104 of 496
de-/e-/in- icio, icere, ieci, iectum
throw down/out/in (verb 3)
105 of 496
debeo, debere, debui, debitum
owe, be indebted, ought (verb 2)
106 of 496
decedo, decedere, decessi, decessum
die (verb 3)
107 of 496
ten (number)
108 of 496
decessus, -a, -um
deceased (adjective)
109 of 496
decimus, -a, -um
tenth (adjective)
110 of 496
defendo, defendere, defendi, defensum
defend (verb 3)
111 of 496
defessus, -a, -um
tired (adjective)
112 of 496
defunctus, -a, -um
dead (adjective)
113 of 496
then (adverb)
114 of 496
deleo, delere, delevi, deletum
obliterate, destroy (verb 2)
115 of 496
finally, to sum up (adverb)
116 of 496
depingo, depingere, depinxi, depictum
to depict (verb 3)
117 of 496
derideo, deridere, derisi, derisum
mock, deride (verb 3)
118 of 496
descendo, descendere, descendi, descensum
go down, come down (verb 3)
119 of 496
despero, despare, desperavi, desperatus
despair (verb 1)
120 of 496
deus, -i
god (noun 2, m)
121 of 496
dico, dicere, dixi, dictum
say (verb 3)
122 of 496
dies, diei
day (noun 5, m and f)
123 of 496
difficilis, difficile
difficult (adjective)
124 of 496
dirus, -a, -um
dreadful (adjective)
125 of 496
discedo, discedere, discessi, discessum
depart, leave (verb 3)
126 of 496
for a long time (adverb)
127 of 496
do, dare, dedi, datum
give (verb 1)
128 of 496
doceo, docere, docui, doctum
teach (verb 2)
129 of 496
domina, -ae
mistress (noun 1, f)
130 of 496
dominus, -i
master, lord (noun 2, m)
131 of 496
domus, us
house (noun 4, f)
132 of 496
donum, -i
gift, present (noun 2, n)
133 of 496
dormio, dormire, dormivi, dormitum
sleep (verb 4)
134 of 496
duco, ducere, duxi, ductum
lead (verb 3)
135 of 496
while, until (conjunction)
136 of 496
duo, duae, duo
two (number)
137 of 496
dux, ducis
leader, general (noun 3, m)
138 of 496
e, ex + abl.
from, out of (preposition)
139 of 496
behold! look! (exclamation)
140 of 496
ecclesia, -ae
church (noun 1, f)
141 of 496
effugio, effugere, effugi, effugitum
escape (verb 3)
142 of 496
ego, mei
I, my (pronoun)
143 of 496
egredior, egredi, egressus sum
go out (verb 3 deponent)
144 of 496
alas! (exclamation)
145 of 496
emo, emere, emi, emptum
buy (verb 3)
146 of 496
for (conjunction)
147 of 496
eo, ire, ivi, itum
go (verb irreg)
148 of 496
epistula, -ae
letter (noun 1, f)
149 of 496
equus, -i
horse (noun 2, m)
150 of 496
and (conjunction)
151 of 496
also, even (adverb)
152 of 496
hurrah! (exclamation)
153 of 496
exspecto, exspectare, exspectavi, exspectatus
wait for (verb 1)
154 of 496
fabula, -ae
story (noun 1, f)
155 of 496
facilis, facile
easy (adjective)
156 of 496
facio, facere, feci, factum
make, do (verb 3)
157 of 496
femina, -ae
woman (noun 1, f)
158 of 496
fero, ferre, tuli, latum
bring, carry (verb irreg)
159 of 496
ferox, ferocis
fierce, ferocious (adjective)
160 of 496
ferrum, -i
iron, sword (noun 2, n)
161 of 496
festino, festinare, festinavi, festinatus
hurry (verb 1)
162 of 496
fidelis, fidele
faithful, loyal (adjective)
163 of 496
filia, -ae
daughter (noun 1, f)
164 of 496
filius, -i
son (noun 2, m)
165 of 496
fio, fieri, factus sum
become, be made (verb irreg)
166 of 496
flumen, fluminis
river (noun 3, n)
167 of 496
by chance (adverb)
168 of 496
fortis, forte
strong, brave (adjective)
169 of 496
forum, -i
forum, market place (noun 2, n)
170 of 496
frango, frangere, fregi, fractum
break (verb 3)
171 of 496
frater, fratris
brother (noun 3, m)
172 of 496
in vain, fruitlessly (adverb)
173 of 496
fugo, fugare, fugavi, fugatus
put to flight, rout (verb 3)
174 of 496
fundo, fundere, fudi, fusum
pour (verb 3)
175 of 496
gaudeo, gaudere, gavisus sum
to rejoice (verb 2 semi deponent)
176 of 496
genus, generis
race, kind (noun 3, n)
177 of 496
gero, gerere, gessi, gestum
wear, wage (verb 3)
178 of 496
gladius, -i
sword (noun 2, m)
179 of 496
gravis, grave
heavy, serious (adjective)
180 of 496
habeo, habere, habui, habitum
to have (verb 2)
181 of 496
habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus
live in, inhabit (verb 1)
182 of 496
yesterday (adverb)
183 of 496
hic, haec, hoc
this (pronoun)
184 of 496
today (adverb)
185 of 496
homo, hominis
man, human being (noun 3, m)
186 of 496
hora, -ae
hour (noun 1, f)
187 of 496
hortor, hortari, hortatus sum
encourage, urge (verb 1 deponent)
188 of 496
hortus, -i
garden (noun 2, m)
189 of 496
hostis, hostis
enemy (noun 3, m)
190 of 496
iaceo, iacere, iacui, iacitum
lie (verb 2)
191 of 496
iacto, iactare, iactavi, iactatus
throw (verb 3)
192 of 496
now, already (adverb)
193 of 496
ianua, -ae
door (noun 1, f)
194 of 496
there (adverb)
195 of 496
idem, eadem, idem
the same (pronoun)
196 of 496
therefore, and so (adverb)
197 of 496
ille, illa, illud
that, those (pronoun)
198 of 496
imperator, imperatoris
emperor, commander (noun 3, m)
199 of 496
imperium, -i
empire, power, command (noun 2, n)
200 of 496
impero, imperare, imperavi, imperatus
order, comman (+dat)(verb 1)
201 of 496
in +abl.
in, on (preposition)
202 of 496
in + acc,
in, into (preposition)
203 of 496
incendo, incendere, incendi, incensum
burn (verb 3)
204 of 496
thence, thereupon (adverb)
205 of 496
infelix, infelicis
unlucky, unhappy (adjective)
206 of 496
ingens, ingentis
huge (adjective)
207 of 496
ingredior, ingredi, ingressus sum
enter (verb 3 deponent)
208 of 496
inquit, inquiunt
say (verb irreg)
209 of 496
insula, -ae
island (noun 1, f)
210 of 496
intellego, intellegere, intellexi, intellectum
understand, realise (verb 3)
211 of 496
inter + acc.
among, between (preposition)
212 of 496
meanwhile (adverb)
213 of 496
interficio, interficere, interfeci, interfectum
kill (verb 3)
214 of 496
intro, intrare, intravi, intratus
enter (verb 1)
215 of 496
invenio, invenire, inveni, inventum
find (verb 4)
216 of 496
ipse, ipsa, ipsum
himself/herself/itself (pronoun)
217 of 496
ira, -ae
anger (noun 1, f)
218 of 496
iratus, -a, -um
angry (adjective)
219 of 496
is, ea, id
he, she, it (pronoun)
220 of 496
iste, ista, istud
that (pronoun)
221 of 496
in this way (adverb)
222 of 496
and so, therefore (adverb)
223 of 496
iter, itineris
journey (noun 3, n)
224 of 496
again (adverb)
225 of 496
iubeo, iubere, iussi, iussum
order (verb 2)
226 of 496
iudex, iudicis
judge (noun 3, m)
227 of 496
ius, iuris
right, law (noun 3, n)
228 of 496
iuvenis, iuvenis
young man (noun 3, m)
229 of 496
labor, laboris
work (noun 3, m)
230 of 496
laboro, laborare, laboravi, laboratus
work (verb 1)
231 of 496
lacrima, -ae
tear (noun 1, f)
232 of 496
lacrimo, lacrimare, lacrimavi, lacrimatus
weep, cry (verb 1)
233 of 496
laetus, -a, -um
happy (adjective)
234 of 496
latus, -a, -um
broad, wide (adjective)
235 of 496
laudo, laudare, laudavi, laudatus
praise (verb 1)
236 of 496
legatum, -i
bequest, legacy (noun 2, n)
237 of 496
lego, legare, legavi, legatus
bequeath, will to (verb 1)
238 of 496
lego, legere, legi, lectum
read (verb 3)
239 of 496
slowly (adverb)
240 of 496
gladly, willingly (adverb)
241 of 496
liber, libri
book (noun 2, m)
242 of 496
liberi, liberorum
children (noun 2, m pl)
243 of 496
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatus
set free (verb 1)
244 of 496
locus, -i
place (noun 2, m)
245 of 496
longus, -a, -um
long (adjective)
246 of 496
loquor, loqui, locutus sum
speak (verb 3 deponent)
247 of 496
lux, lucis
light (noun 3, f)
248 of 496
magnus, -a, -um
big (adjective)
249 of 496
malo, malle, malui
I prefer + infinitive (verb irreg)
250 of 496
malus, -a, -um
bad (adjective)
251 of 496
maneo, manere, mansi, mansum
stay, remain (verb 2)
252 of 496
manus, -us
hand, band (noun 4)
253 of 496
mare, maris
sea (noun 3, n)
254 of 496
mater, matris
mother (noun 3, f)
255 of 496
medius, -a, -um
middle (adjective)
256 of 496
mensa, -ae
table (noun 1, f)
257 of 496
meus, -a, -um
my (adjective)
258 of 496
miles, militis
soldier (noun 3, m)
259 of 496
mille, milia (pl)
thousand, thousands (number)
260 of 496
very little, least, no (adverb)
261 of 496
less (adverb)
262 of 496
miser, misera, miserum
miserable, wretched, sad (adjective)
263 of 496
mitto, mittere, misi, missum
send (verb 3)
264 of 496
modus, -i
way, means (noun 2, m)
265 of 496
moneo, monere, monui, monitum
to advise, warn (verb 2)
266 of 496
mons, montis
mountain (noun 3, m)
267 of 496
morior, mori, mortuus sum
die (verb 3 deponent)
268 of 496
mors, mortis
death (noun 3, f)
269 of 496
moveo, movere, movi, motum
move (verb 2)
270 of 496
soon (adverb)
271 of 496
mulier, mulieris
woman (noun 3, f)
272 of 496
much (adverb)
273 of 496
multus, -a, -um
much, many (adjective)
274 of 496
murus, -i
wall (noun 2, m)
275 of 496
for (conjunction)
276 of 496
narro, narrare, narravi, narratus
tell, relate (verb 1)
277 of 496
nauta, -ae
sailor (noun 1, m)
278 of 496
navigo, navigare, navigavi, navigatus
sail (verb 1)
279 of 496
navis, navis
ship (noun 3, f)
280 of 496
that.... no, so that.... not, lest (conjunction)
281 of 496
ne quidem
not even (adverb)
282 of 496
nec... nec
neither... nor (conjunction)
283 of 496
nemo, neminis
no one (noun 3)
284 of 496
nescio, nescire, nescivi
not know (verb 4)
285 of 496
nothing (noun irreg)
286 of 496
unless (conjunction)
287 of 496
noli, nolite + infinitive
don't! (verb imperative)
288 of 496
nolo, nolle, nolui
I do not want + infinitive (verb irreg)
289 of 496
nomen, nominis
name (noun 3, n)
290 of 496
not (adverb)
291 of 496
surely? (interrogative)
292 of 496
nos, nostri/nostrum
we, us (pronoun)
293 of 496
noster, nostra, nostrum
our (adjective)
294 of 496
nine (number)
295 of 496
novus, -a, -um
new (adjective)
296 of 496
nox, noctis
name (noun 3, f)
297 of 496
nullus, -a, -um
not any, no (adjective)
298 of 496
surely not? (interrogative)
299 of 496
never (adverb)
300 of 496
now (adverb)
301 of 496
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus
announce (verb 1)
302 of 496
nuntius, -i
messenger, message, news (noun 2, m)
303 of 496
occido, occidere, occidi, occisum
kill (verb 3)
304 of 496
eight (number)
305 of 496
odi, odisse
hate (verb defect)
306 of 496
offero, offerre, obtuli, oblatum
offer (verb 3)
307 of 496
once, some time ago (adverb)
308 of 496
omnis, omne
all, every (adjective)
309 of 496
oppidum, -i
town (noun 2, m)
310 of 496
oppugno, oppugnare, oppugnavi, oppugnatus
attack (verb 1)
311 of 496
oro, orare, oravi, oratus
pray (verb 1)
312 of 496
ostendo, ostedere, ostendi, ostentum
show (verb 3)
313 of 496
almost, nearly (adverb)
314 of 496
papa, -ae
pope (noun 1, m)
315 of 496
paro, parare, paravi, paratus
prepare (verb 1)
316 of 496
pars, partis
part (noun 3, f)
317 of 496
parvus, -a, -um
small (adjective)
318 of 496
pater, patris
father (noun 3, m)
319 of 496
patior, pati, passus sum
suffer, endure (verb 3 deponent)
320 of 496
paucus, -a, -um
few (adjective)
321 of 496
pax, pacis
peace (noun 3, f)
322 of 496
pecunia, -ae
money (noun 1, f)
323 of 496
per + acc.
through, during, by, by means of (preposition)
324 of 496
pereo, perire, perivi
die, perish (verb irreg)
325 of 496
periculum, -i
danger (noun 2, n)
326 of 496
persuadeo, persuadere, persuasi + dat.
persuade (verb 2)
327 of 496
perterritus, -a, -um
terrified (adjective)
328 of 496
pes, pedis
foot (noun 3, m)
329 of 496
peto, petere, petivi, petitum
make for, seek, beg/ask for, attack (verb 3)
330 of 496
placet, placere, placuit + fat.
it pleases, suits (verb 2 impers)
331 of 496
plenus, -a, -um
full (adjective)
332 of 496
poena, -ae
punishment (noun 1, f)
333 of 496
poeanas do, -are
pay the penalty, be punished (verb 1)
334 of 496
pono, ponere, posui, positum
put, place, put up (verb 3)
335 of 496
porta, -ae
door, gate (noun 1, f)
336 of 496
porto, portare, portavi, portatus
carry (verb 1)
337 of 496
portus, -a, -um
harbour (noun 4, m)
338 of 496
possum, posse, potui
I am able, I can + infinitive (verb irreg)
339 of 496
post + acc.
after, behind (preposition)
340 of 496
afterwards (adverb)
341 of 496
after, when (conjunction)
342 of 496
on the next day (adverb)
343 of 496
postulo, postulare, postulavi, postulatus
demand (verb 1)
344 of 496
praedictus, -a, -um
aforesaid (adjective)
345 of 496
praebeo, praebere, praebui, praebitum
show, offer (verb 2)
346 of 496
praemium, -i
prize, reward, profit (noun 2, n)
347 of 496
primus, -a, -um
first (adjective)
348 of 496
princeps, principis
chief, chieftain, emperor (noun 3, m)
349 of 496
before, until (conjunctiojn)
350 of 496
pro + abl.
before, on behalf of (preposition)
351 of 496
procedo, procedere, processi, processum
proceed (verb 3)
352 of 496
proficiscor, proficisci, profectus sum
set out (verb 3 deponent)
353 of 496
progredior, progredi, progressus sum
advance (verb 3 deponent)
354 of 496
promitto, promittere, promisi, promissum
promise (verb 3)
355 of 496
prope + acc.
near (preposition)
356 of 496
propter + acc.
on account of (preposition)
357 of 496
proximus, -a, -um
nearest, next (adjective)
358 of 496
puella, -ae
girl (noun 1, f)
359 of 496
puer, pueri
boy (noun 2, m)
360 of 496
pugno, pugnare, pugnavi, pugnatus
fight (verb 1)
361 of 496
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
beautiful (adjective)
362 of 496
quaero, quaerere, quaesivi, quaesitum
search for, look for, ask (verb 3)
363 of 496
qualis, quale
what sort of? (interrogative)
364 of 496
than (adverb)
365 of 496
although (conjunction)
366 of 496
quantus, -a, -um
how big? (interrogative)
367 of 496
four (number)
368 of 496
qui, quae, quod
who, who? what? (pronoun)
369 of 496
quidam, quaedam, quiddam
a certain (pronoun)
370 of 496
five (number)
371 of 496
who (pronoun)
372 of 496
quo modo?
how? in what way? (interrogative)
373 of 496
where? (interrogative)
374 of 496
because (conjunction)
375 of 496
also (conjunctive)
376 of 496
how many? (interrogative)
377 of 496
rapio, rapere, rapui, raptum
seize (verb 3)
378 of 496
reddo, reddere, reddidi, redditum
give back, restore (verb 3)
379 of 496
redeo, redire, redivi, reditum
return (verb irreg)
380 of 496
refero, referre, rettuli, relatum
bring/carry back; report, tell (verb irreg)
381 of 496
regina, -ae
queen (noun 1, f)
382 of 496
regnum, -i
kingdom, reign (noun 2, n)
383 of 496
rego, regere, rexi, rectum
rule (verb 3)
384 of 496
regredio, regredi, regressus sum
go back, return (verb 3 deponent)
385 of 496
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictum
leave, leave behind (verb 3)
386 of 496
res, rei
thing, matter (noun 5, f)
387 of 496
resisto, resistere, restiti + dat.
resist (verb 3)
388 of 496
respondeo, repondere, respondi, responsus
to reply (verb 2)
389 of 496
rex, regis
king (noun 3, m)
390 of 496
rideo, ridere, risi, risum
laugh, smile (verb 2)
391 of 496
rogo, rogare, rogavi, rogatum
ask, ask for (verb 1)
392 of 496
sacer, sacra, sacrum
sacred (adjective)
393 of 496
often (adverb)
394 of 496
saevus, -a, -um
savage, cruel (adjective)
395 of 496
saluto, salutare, salutavi, salutatus
greet (verb 1)
396 of 496
salve! salvete!
hello! (verb imperative)
397 of 496
sanguis, sanguinis
blood (noun 3, m)
398 of 496
sanus, -a, -um
healthy (adjective)
399 of 496
enough, sufficiently (adverb)
400 of 496
scio, scire, scivi, scitum
know (verb 4)
401 of 496
scribo, scibere, scripsi, scriptum
write (verb 3)
402 of 496
se, sui
himself, herself, itself, themselves (pronoun)
403 of 496
but (conjunction)
404 of 496
sedeo, sedere, sedi, sessum
sit (verb 2)
405 of 496
always (adverb)
406 of 496
senex, senis
old man (noun 3, m)
407 of 496
sentio, sentire, sensi, sensum
feel, perceive (verb 4)
408 of 496
sepelio, sepelire, sepelivi, sepultum
bury, inter (verb 4)
409 of 496
seven (number)
410 of 496
sequor, sequi, secutus sum
follow (verb 3 deponent)
411 of 496
servo, servare, servavi, servatus
save, look after (verb 1)
412 of 496
servus, -i
slave (noun 2, m)
413 of 496
severus, -a, -um
severe, strict (adjective)
414 of 496
six (number)
415 of 496
if (conjunction)
416 of 496
thus, in this way (adverb)
417 of 496
signum, -i
sign, signal, seal (noun 2, n)
418 of 496
silva, -ae
wood (noun 1, f)
419 of 496
as soon as (conjunction)
420 of 496
sine + abl.
without (preposition)
421 of 496
solus, -a, -um
alone (adjective)
422 of 496
solvo, solvere, solvi, solutum
loosen, release; pay (verb 3)
423 of 496
specto, spectare, spectavi, spectatus
look at, watch (verb 1)
424 of 496
spero, sperare, speravi, speratus
hope (for) (verb 1)
425 of 496
spes, spei
hope (noun 5, f)
426 of 496
at once, immediately (adverb)
427 of 496
sto, stare, steti, statum
stand (verb 1)
428 of 496
stultus, -a, -um
stupid, foolish (adjective)
429 of 496
sub + acc./abl.
under, beneath (preposition)
430 of 496
suddenly (adverb)
431 of 496
sum, esse, fui, futurum
be (verb irreg)
432 of 496
summus, -a, -um
highest, greatest, top (of) (adjective)
433 of 496
supero, superare, superavi, superatus
overcome, overpower (verb 1)
434 of 496
surgo, surgere, surrexi, surrectum
get up, stand up, rise (verb 3)
435 of 496
suus, -a, -um
his, her, its (adjective)
436 of 496
taberna, -ae
shop, inn (noun 1, f)
437 of 496
taceo, tacere, tacui, tacitum
be silent, be quiet (verb 2)
438 of 496
talis, tale
such (adverb)
439 of 496
so (adverb)
440 of 496
however (adverb)
441 of 496
at last, finally (adverb)
442 of 496
only (adverb)
443 of 496
tantus, -a, -um
of such size, so great (adjective)
444 of 496
templum, -i
temple (noun 2, n)
445 of 496
tempus, temporis
time (noun 3, n)
446 of 496
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentum
hold, keep; of a promise, bind (verb 2)
447 of 496
terra, -ae
land (noun 1, f)
448 of 496
terreo, terrere, terrui, territum
frighten (verb 2)
449 of 496
testamentum, -i
will (noun 2, n)
450 of 496
timeo, timere, timui
fear, dread (verb 2)
451 of 496
so many (number)
452 of 496
totus, -a, -um
whole (adjective)
453 of 496
trado, tradere, tradidi, traditum
hand over (verb 3)
454 of 496
traho, trahere, traxi, tractum
drag (verb 3)
455 of 496
trans + acc.
across (preposition)
456 of 496
tres, tria
three (number)
457 of 496
tristis, triste
sad (adjective)
458 of 496
tu, tui
you (singular) (pronoun)
459 of 496
then (adverb)
460 of 496
turba, -ae
crowd (noun 1, f)
461 of 496
tuus, -a, -um
your (singular), yours (adjective)
462 of 496
where? when? (interrogative)
463 of 496
ever (adverb)
464 of 496
where from? (interrogative)
465 of 496
unus, una, unum
one (number)
466 of 496
urbs, urbis
city (noun 3, f)
467 of 496
as, that, so that, in order that (conjunction)
468 of 496
utor, uti, usus sum + abl.
use (verb 3 deponent)
469 of 496
utrum... an
whether... or (adverb)
470 of 496
uxor, uxoris
wife (noun 3, f)
471 of 496
vale, valete
goodbye, farewell (verb imperative)
472 of 496
violently, loudly (adverb)
473 of 496
veho, vehere, vexi, vectum
carry (verb 3)
474 of 496
vendo, vendere, vendidi, venditum
sell (verb 3)
475 of 496
venio, venire, veni, ventum
come (verb 4)
476 of 496
ventus, -i
wind (noun 2, m)
477 of 496
verbum, -i
word (noun 2, n)
478 of 496
verto, vertere, verti, versum
turn (verb 3)
479 of 496
verus, -a, -um
true, real (adjective)
480 of 496
vester, vestra, vestrum
your (plural), yours (adjective)
481 of 496
via, -ae
street (noun 1, f)
482 of 496
video, videre, vidi, visum
to see (verb 2)
483 of 496
villa, -ae
country house (noun 1, f)
484 of 496
vinco, vincere, vici, victum
conquer (verb 3)
485 of 496
vinum, -i
wine (noun 2, n)
486 of 496
vir, viri
man (noun 2, m)
487 of 496
vita, -ae
life (noun 1, f)
488 of 496
vivo, vivere, vixi, victum
live, be alive (verb 3)
489 of 496
vivus, -a, -um
alive, living (adjective)
490 of 496
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus
call (verb 1)
491 of 496
volo, velle, volui
I want + infinitive (verb irreg)
492 of 496
vos, vestrum
you (plural)
493 of 496
vox, vocis
voice, shout (noun 3, f)
494 of 496
vulnus, vulneris
wound (noun 3, n)
495 of 496
vultus, -us
face, expression (noun 4, m)
496 of 496

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Card 2





Card 3


from, by


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Card 5


fall upon, happen (verb 3)


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