meeting customer needs - definitions

  • Created by: abi2422
  • Created on: 22-10-21 13:38
where a business targets a smaller segment of a larger market, where customers have specific needs and wants
niche marketing
1 of 15
where a business sells into the largest part of the market, where there are many similar products offered by competitors
mass marketing
2 of 15
a market that is constantly changing
dynamic market
3 of 15
the overall size (value or volume) or demand for a specific market
market size
4 of 15
the percentage rate of growth in market size over a period
market growth
5 of 15
the proportion of the market size held by each competitor in a market
market share
6 of 15
the possibility that things will go wrong
7 of 15
the unpredictable and uncontrollable events that affect business
8 of 15
business develops products based on what it is good at doing
product orientation
9 of 15
business responds to customer needs and wants - designs products accordingly
market orientation
10 of 15
collection of data to obtain insight and knowledge into the needs and wants of customers and the structure and dynamics of a market
marketing research
11 of 15
research data collected first-hand for a specific purpose
primary data
12 of 15
existing research data that has been collected and analysed for a different purpose
secondary data
13 of 15
research based on numerical data
quantitative data
14 of 15
research based on views and opinions
qualitative research
15 of 15

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Card 2


where a business sells into the largest part of the market, where there are many similar products offered by competitors


mass marketing

Card 3


a market that is constantly changing


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Card 4


the overall size (value or volume) or demand for a specific market


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Card 5


the percentage rate of growth in market size over a period


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