Melody quiz Musical quiz on melody meanings 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? MusicASAll boards Created by: daniCreated on: 13-05-11 22:59 Not moving in step (arpeggio) disjunct 1 of 18 A flattened 3rd or 7th is better known as a.. semi tone 2 of 18 One word to describe, in the prevailing key? diatonic 3 of 18 What best describes a pentatonic scale? 5 note scale usually, CDEGA 4 of 18 A whole tone is... a 6 note scale free of semitones 5 of 18 Writing a tune or a part of it in double or longer note values, is better known as... augementation 6 of 18 Writing a tune or part of it in half or shorter note values, is better known as... diminution 7 of 18 Using tiny parts of the melody is better known as... fragmentation 8 of 18 music written backwards is know as... retrograde 9 of 18 Music written upside down is known as... inversion 10 of 18 Legato/Staccato belong to... Articulation 11 of 18 A motivic Development: A short musical idea repeated in a variety of ways to develop the music 12 of 18 Rapid chromatic movements up and down the scale? Are better known as? Slide/Glissando/Portamento 13 of 18 Moving in step (scale) means? conjunct 14 of 18 An Ostinato is a? A short repeating idea often in the bass 15 of 18 A riff is described as a? Short repeated bass part in jazz/pop music 16 of 18 A performers correct observation of the division of a melody is better known as? Phrasing 17 of 18 The difference in pitch between pitch is called? an interval 18 of 18