MEMORY 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyMemoryASAQA Created by: beapengCreated on: 08-11-16 13:14 MULTI-STORE MODEL SENSORY REGISTER---->SHORT TERM MEMORY-----> LONG TERM MEMORY 1 of 7 SENSORY REGISTER stored via the senses, if given attention will travel to the short term memory, if not it will decay 2 of 7 SHORT TERM MEMORY if rehearsed will pass to the long term memory, if not is lost 3 of 7 MULTI STORE MODEL THEORY Atkinson and Shiffrin 1968 4 of 7 WORKING MEMORY MODEL the study of short term memory 5 of 7 Central Executive decision making and has overall control of all the sub-systems 6 of 7 Phonological loop Phonological store-processes verbal information e.g. speech 7 of 7
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