Memory 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyoigujUniversityAll boards Created by: hashby004Created on: 18-04-17 22:32 "stable changes in behaviour" is the definition of memory in what neuroscience 1 of 10 "sharing and retrieving information" is the definition of memory in what psychology cognitive 2 of 10 who suggested that there was primary and secondary memory william james 3 of 10 what memory is short term & effortless to retrieve primary 4 of 10 what memory is long-term and effort to retrieve secondary 5 of 10 who discovered that working memory is limited George Miller 6 of 10 ... sketchpad stores visual information visiospatial 7 of 10 .... loop deals with verbal information phonological 8 of 10 who did the animal research involving dots (1 red, yellow central and grey) funashi 9 of 10 what is required in the pre-frontal cortex to maintain memory dopamine 10 of 10
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