Interference is more common in which 3 situations?
Similarity of material, more difficult distractor tasks, meaningless info
3 of 14
What is the type of memory referred to as when you are actively rehearsing information?
4 of 14
Name the type of memory that is recalled without conscious effort to remember it.
5 of 14
What type of memory consists of both semantic and episodic memories?
Declarative e.g. cats have tails (semantic) I ate a sandwich for lunch (episodic/personal)
6 of 14
Name the type of memory associated with skills and abilities.
Procedural memory
7 of 14
What is the difference between closed-loop (continuous) and open-loop (discrete) skills
Closed-loop = Each action leads to the next step, e.g. riding a bike and walking. Open-loop = Actions are separate response to separate actions e.g. First aid and gymnastics
8 of 14
Outline semantic memory (Tulving, 1972)
General knowledge, e.g. Paris is the capital of France, Abstract, NOT temporally organised, truth is cultural, not personal.
9 of 14
Outline Episodic memory (Tulving, 1972)
Memory for autobiographical info e.g. what I got for Christmas, Linked to specific time and place, events organised in order of occurrence and the truth is personal.
10 of 14
Identify the level of processing associated with maintenance rehearsal, often resulting in short-term retention of information.
Shallow processing.
11 of 14
Identify the level of processing associated with semantic processing and elaboration rehearsal, involving meaningful analysis.
Deep processing.
12 of 14
Explain what detail salience is.
Important in eye witness testimony, where the attention of the witness is drawn to objects of particular importance, inhibiting the processing of other info. Loftus et al. (1987) - ps less accurate recall when clip showed a gun instead of cheque.
13 of 14
Explain the concept of flahbulb memories (Yuille and Cutshall, 1986)
Contradicts previous conclusions of influences on EWT. They found witnesses of a real-life robbery gave accurate accounts 5 months later, previous research lacks ecological validity.
14 of 14
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Name the 5 types of bias associated with misremembering.
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