It is a latin term meaning the mental element of a crime
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What are cases concerning motive?
Gillick - giving contraception to underage girls
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What is another medical case concerning motive?
Re A 2000 - conjoined twins, a doctors bona fide can negate mens rea
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What is bona fide?
A doctors good nature/will/intention
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What are the different types of intention?
Oblique intent and direct intent
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What is a well known case on intention?
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What is a case concerning oblique intent?
Hyam v DPP 1975
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What are other cases relating to intention?
Moloney, Smith v DPP, Nedrick, Woolin
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Evaluation of the law?
It is importan to have three levels of mens rea so it is easier to judg
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What are some specific intent crimes?
Murder, GBH with intent, attempts, theft
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What are some basic crimes?
****, manslaughter, assault, battery
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What does not count as intention?
Guilty thoughts (Cunliffe v Goodman), motive, medical cases
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Law commission proposals?
A person should be taken to intend a result if they act to bring it about, the jury can be directed when the judge believes that justice will not be done unless an expanded understanding of intention is given
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