produced in the ovaries and newly fertilised eggs, secreted constantly but is made by the development of a follicle and when FSH is secreted
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Oestrogen action
promotes maintance and development of female reproductive structursm secondary sex characteristics, anabolic increase protein production, reduces blood cholesterol, helps build up endothelium
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produced in ovaries and corpus luteum, secreted in second half of menstural cycle
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Progesterone action
acts on tissues effected by oestrogen, makes tissue soft or secretory, makes cervical mucus thick, resets thermoregulation
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produced by anterior pituity, secreted when an egg is stimuated to be released
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FSH action
stimulates follicles within ovaries to mature, regulates devellopment, pubertal maturation, reproductive process
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produced by anterior pituitary, secreted when FSH low or when GNRH is released
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Lh action
triggers ovulation, development of corpus luteum
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produced by hypothalamus, secreted from pituitary
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GNRH action
stimulates other hormones from the pituitary gland
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Follicular development
recruitment, selection, follicle, dominance, ovulation, corpus luteum, corpus albicans
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day 1-5 loss of lining, drop in oestrogen and progesterone causes spiral arteries spaces and opening of anastomisis
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day 5-14, vuild up of lining, oestrogen stimulates rapid growth (folicular)
ovulated ovum, devloping corpus luteum, corpus luteum, corpus albicans
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Oestrogen action
promotes maintance and development of female reproductive structursm secondary sex characteristics, anabolic increase protein production, reduces blood cholesterol, helps build up endothelium
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