Mental disorders

What % o the UK population suffers from a phobic disorder?
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What % o the UK population suffers from a depression disorder?
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What % o the UK population suffers from OCD disorder?
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What are phobic disorders classed as in the DSM and ICD?
An anxiety disorder
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What is a phobia?
An irrational fear that produces a desire to avoid the phobic stimulus
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What are three different types of phobia?
agrophobia, social phobia and specific phobias
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what is the primery emotional charecteristic of a phobia?
It is marked and persistent. It is also conciously exsessive and unreasonable
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what is the secondary emotional charecteristic of a phobia?
Fear, anxiety and panic. these emotions may be present even in anticipation of being exposed to the phobic stimulus and are out of proportion to the danger posed
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What is the primery behavioural charecteristic of phobia?
avoidence. when faced with the prospect of the phobic stimulus the individual will try and avoid the situation
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What is the secondary behavioural charecteristic of phobia?
to freeze or faint - fainting is an adaptive behvoiur as it has an evelutionary function of convincing a predetor that the individual is dead
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Which behaviour distinguishes phobias from other fears?
avoidence - because it interferes with normal day-to-day living
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What is the primery congetive charecteristic of phobia?
the irrational thought process of the individual and a resistence to rational arguments
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What is the secondary congetive charecteristic of phobia?
The consious knowledge that the fear is irrational or unreasonable
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Who might the secondary cognetive charecteristic not apply to?
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What is depression classified as in the ICD and DSM?
A mood disorder
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What two types of Depression does the DSM-V distinguish between?
Major depressive disorder and persistent depressive disorder - the latter is more long term and reoccuring
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What emotional charecteristics must an individual need in order to quaify for a major depressive disoder?
they must have at least 5 emotional symptoms including sadness or loss of interest in pleasurable activities
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what is the primery emotional charecteristic of depression?
sadness - emptiness, worthlessness and hopelessness in addition to low
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what is the secondary emotional charecteristic of depression?
loss of interest and peasure in ususal activities, feelings of dispear and a lack of control
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what is the tertiary emotional charecteristic of depression?
anger - directed towards others or towards the self, both senarios are common
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what is the primery behavioural charecteristic of depression?
a shift in activity level - many depressed individuals have the desire to sleep more and be less active, however some become more agitated and present sings of distress such as wringing their hands
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what is the secondary behavioural charecteristic of depression?
Appitite and sleep are effected. in some conditions individuals eat less wheas others eat more than ususal. same with sleep, see above
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what is the primery cognetive charecteristic of depression?
negetive thoughts - negetive self concept (beck's negetive triad) charecterised by a sense of guilt and worthlessness
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what is the secondary cognetive charecteristic of depression?
A negative view of the world - charecterised by pesamistic expectations about htheir lives and relationships
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How does the secondary cognetive charecteristic of depression effect behaviour?
A pesamistic view of the world can be self fulfilling - if you belive you are going to fail an exam it might negetivily impact your performance
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What is OCD classed as in the DSM and ICD?
an anxiety disorder
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What are the two main components of OCD?
obsessions and compullsions
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What is the primery emotional charecteristic of OCD?
obsessions and compulssions are a source of considerable anxiety and stress
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What is the secondary emotional charecteristic of OCD?
sufferers are aware that it their behviour is exsessive and feel embaresment and shame. a common obsession is with germs, that creates a feeling of disgust
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What is the primery behavioural charecteristic of OCD?
compulsisons are behaviours created by the obsessions - they are repetetive and unconcealed such as handwashing and checking or mental such as preying or counting
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What motivates OCD sufferers to engage in such behaviour?
the feeling that if they don't something terrible will happen
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What is the primery cognetive charecteristic of OCD?
Obsessions are recurrent, intrusive thoughts or impulses that are persived as inapropriate or forbiden
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What form can obsesions take?
Ideas, doubts, impulses and images
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What is the secondary cognetive charecteristic of OCD?
the sufferer is concious that the obsessions are a product of their own mind, the person recognises them as unreasonable and exsessive
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Card 2


What % o the UK population suffers from a depression disorder?



Card 3


What % o the UK population suffers from OCD disorder?


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Card 4


What are phobic disorders classed as in the DSM and ICD?


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Card 5


What is a phobia?


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