What are the 7 legal requirements on a POM prescription?
Age (if under 12)
Signature of prescriber
Particulars of prescriber
Address of prescriber
1 of 18
What else is a legal requirement on a prescription from EEA or Swiss
Date of birth
Prescriber contact details (email address and telephone)
Name, form, dose, strength and quantity of medicine
2 of 18
Can you dispense a prescription for a POM if it was prescribed in EEA or Swiss?
3 of 18
If this is an unlicensed special medicine, can you legally dispense this?
4 of 18
What if it was a schedule 1, 2 or 3 drug?
No - needs to be a UK prescriber
5 of 18
Where would you refer to if you are asked to dispense an EEA or Swiss prescription?
List of approved countries and professions
6 of 18
What types of prescriptions can commonly be repeatable?
Private and vetinary
7 of 18
If a prescription does not state how many times it can be repeated, how many times can it be dispensed?
8 of 18
What if the item is for an oral contraception?
It can be repeated 5 times (dispensed a total of 6 times)
9 of 18
A repeatable prescription needs to be retained by the pharmacy and the patient should only use the 1 pharmacy for all the repeats.
False - The patient can keep the prescription and use at different pharmacies
10 of 18
How do you keep an audit trail on where and how many times a repeatable prescription has been dispensed?
Pharmacist must print name and address of pharmacy and date it was dispensed on the prescription.
11 of 18
Why is a faxed prescription not legal to dispense?
It is not signed in indelible ink so does not meet this legal requirement
12 of 18
Can an emergency supply be made to a patient from a country of EEA or Swiss?
13 of 18
What would you do if the prescription is not from a country or profession on approved list?
Refer to local GP
14 of 18
Is a prescription still legally acceptable if it is written in a foreign language?
15 of 18
If you can't confirm the registration of a prescriber, can you still dispense the medication?
Yes - use professional judgement
16 of 18
If giving an emergency supply at the request of an EEA/Swiss prescriber, how long do they have to provide the Rx?
72 hrs
17 of 18
What is the maximum supply of a schedule 4 or 5 CD that can be supplied as an emergency supply?
5 days
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What else is a legal requirement on a prescription from EEA or Swiss


Date of birth
Prescriber contact details (email address and telephone)
Name, form, dose, strength and quantity of medicine

Card 3


Can you dispense a prescription for a POM if it was prescribed in EEA or Swiss?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


If this is an unlicensed special medicine, can you legally dispense this?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What if it was a schedule 1, 2 or 3 drug?


Preview of the front of card 5
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