Postmodernism - modernisation of media through pick and mix society
Jameson - market capitalism, monopoly capitalism, multinational capitalism caused the development of a postmodern society
1 of 18
Lyotard - metanarratives = stories cultures use to structure practices and beliefs
Baudrillard - a postmodern society is a simulacra of people and a hyperreality
2 of 18
McLuhan - global village sharing the same moments at the same time and the media constructs our beliefs and ideologies
Mulvey - male gaze in voyeurism
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Butler - gender is not fixed but is constructed and hybrid
Van Zoonen - female gaze
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Gauntlett - gender trouble
Hathaway - cyber identity is different to real identity
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Frankfurt School - hypodermic needle theory
Winn - plug in drug theory = tv ruins a child's intelligence and their own identity
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Postman - disappearance of childhood
Connell - media imposing biased beliefs
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Cultivation theory - repeated exposure of a single text will make the audience less sensitive
Lazerfeld - two step flow theory = message is sent indirectly from the producer to the reader and is intercepted by an opinion leader who filters what message is received
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Hall - uses and gratifications = personal, information, entertainment, social (PIES)
Propp - narrative theory - hero, villain, donor, princess, etc.
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Strauss - binary opposites
Todorov - equillibrium, disequillibrium, new equillibrium
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Barthes - enigma codes
Fiske - genre categorises texts in our media-saturated culture
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Altman - genres are defined by media language and attributes as well as characteristics
Chandler - key textual features of genres in film and tv narrative = film techniques, iconography, setting, characterisation, basic themes, narrative
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Gledhill - genres increase the efficiency of communication and prevents a text from dissolving its individualism
Langholz - the sense which viewers make of any single text depends on how it relates to the genre as a whole
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Fowler - readers learn genres through familiarisation
Buckingham - categorisation is a social process
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Corner - assigning a text to a genre sets up initial expectations
Perkins - stereotypes
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Dyer - a star is an image not a real person
Political theory - Marxist theory of the bourgeoisie dominating the proletariat
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Gramsci - mass audiences are accepting the power
Maslow - hierarchy of needs
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Cohen - folk devils and moral panics
Dyer - lines of appeal = rich lifestyle, happy families, perfect world
18 of 18
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Baudrillard - a postmodern society is a simulacra of people and a hyperreality
Lyotard - metanarratives = stories cultures use to structure practices and beliefs
Card 3
Mulvey - male gaze in voyeurism
Card 4
Van Zoonen - female gaze
Card 5
Hathaway - cyber identity is different to real identity
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