there are 3 main parts to flagellum: select incorrect statement
the source
3 of 15
motor aka basal body, what does the hook consist of connecting the filament to the motor
single class of proteins at the base of the flagellum
4 of 15
where is the flagella basal body anchored?
cytoplasmic membrane and cell wall
5 of 15
Multiple rings are present in Gram-negative bacteria: select incorrect answer
One in flagella hook
6 of 15
motor proteins drive the flagellar motor causing a torque that does what to the filament?
7 of 15
What proteins act as a motor switch
8 of 15
how many protons required from outside the cell into the cytoplasm via the basal body mot complex for a single rotation
9 of 15
In E. coli and S. typhimurium, over 40 genes necessary for motility.
Major groups known as: select incorrect statement
10 of 15
several functions for flagella genetic control, select incorrect statement:
synthesis of rRNA
11 of 15
withi Motility and chemotaxis, Normal movement is randomly composed of what?
Runs and tumbles
12 of 15
name of response to different chemical gradients, By altering the CW:CCW ratio can move up/down gradient/ Compare the chemical state of environment to that sensed seconds before and if attracted move up the gradient
13 of 15
what antigens represent flagella?
14 of 15
how can flagella antigens escape immune system?
phase variation
15 of 15
Other cards in this set
Card 2
flagella type in escherichia coli?
Card 3
there are 3 main parts to flagellum: select incorrect statement
Card 4
motor aka basal body, what does the hook consist of connecting the filament to the motor
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