Microbiology 0.0 / 5 ? NursingMicrobiology UniversityAll boards Created by: SOPHIECreated on: 06-01-14 16:30 An infection caught by not washing hands environmental 1 of 26 MRSA is transmitted through Contact 2 of 26 An infection spread from within endogenous 3 of 26 An airborne transmitted illness is Tuberculosis 4 of 26 An infected patient is the resevoir 5 of 26 An infection caught from an external force exogenous 6 of 26 Enterobacteriacae is ......... shaped rod 7 of 26 Another word for high temperature pyrexia 8 of 26 Someone with a fast heart rate has tachycardia 9 of 26 15-30% of infections are preventable 10 of 26 decontamination of intermediate risk items require disinfecting 11 of 26 Aseptic techniques require (answer 1) Sterilegloves 12 of 26 Aseptic techniques require (answer 2) apron 13 of 26 When cleaning with detergent which glove should be used? vinylnonsterile 14 of 26 Polyethene gloves should be used never 15 of 26 decontamination of high risk items require sterilisation 16 of 26 The only diplococci shaped bacterias are neisseria 17 of 26 Vinyl gloves should not be used when in contact with blood 18 of 26 what is the second stage in a sharps injury washit 19 of 26 decontamination of low risk items require cleaning 20 of 26 What sort of isolation may someone who has just had a bone marrow transplant be put in protective 21 of 26 What sort of isolation may someone with norovirus be put in source 22 of 26 Gram positive chains Streptococcus 23 of 26 Group D streps can cause endocarditis 24 of 26 Staphylococcus are gram positive clusters 25 of 26 Enterobacteriacae is gram negative 26 of 26
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