BMS1026 microbiology (tutorial questions) 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Biologymicrobiology UniversityNone Created by: tammyrocks4evaCreated on: 14-01-14 20:41 gram positive bacteria cell wall has: a thick layer of peptidoglycan 1 of 38 if a virus goes through the lytic cycle, this means that? the host cell is eventually killed 2 of 38 euglena is a protozoan that has characteristics of algae. what is this type of evolution called chimera process 3 of 38 xerophiles are organisms that can survive under which conditions? in dry environments 4 of 38 an endemic disease is one that: is constantly present 5 of 38 influenza can adapt to the human host by: reassortment of genome segments by an already adapted influenza A 6 of 38 lichens are symbiotic associations between: fungi and photosynthetic cells 7 of 38 the cell reproduction in bacteria may occur by: binary fission 8 of 38 what length are most bacteria 1 micrometer 9 of 38 bacteriocidal agents kill bacteria 10 of 38 how does saccharomyces cerevisiae multiply? budding 11 of 38 when growing bacterium in a flask, what happens to the viable count during the log phase? the viable count increases exponentially 12 of 38 what does not occur during asexual reproduction processes within microorganisms? meiosis 13 of 38 kock's postulates are designed to prove: that there is a casual relationship between a specific organism and specific effect 14 of 38 in which group do we find extreme thermophiles? archaea 15 of 38 aerotolerant organisms: are unaffected by oxygen concentration 16 of 38 cytoplasmic streaming is: how fungi move nutrients and organelles through their hyphae 17 of 38 penicillin and other beta lactam antibiotics: inhibit peptidoglycan synthesis in the bacterial cell wall 18 of 38 amino acides can be over produced in bacteria by using: auxotrophs 19 of 38 persuading a filamentous fungus to grow in the pelleted morphology form can be used for the production of? citric acid 20 of 38 feedback inhibition of amino acid biosynthesis can be overcome by biotin deficiency in the medium because: the producing microorganism require biotin for a non-permeable cell membrane 21 of 38 amyloglucosidase: converts mono, di, tri - saccharides to glucose 22 of 38 production of single cell protein was originally developed: as a part of the oil refining process 23 of 38 bacterial protein synthesis is inhibited by: streptomycin 24 of 38 the production principles for recombinant DNA-derived products are: similar to those of secondary metabolites 25 of 38 resistance to penicillin occurs when? the pathogen synthesises an enzyme that breaks down the penicillin molecules 26 of 38 secondary metabolism is induced when: the culture growing rate decreases significantly 27 of 38 microbial polysaccharides are used as: viscosity extenders in aqueous solution 28 of 38 in a microbial culture, the growth limiting substance is: the first nutrient to become exhausted 29 of 38 laundering enzymes, produced by microorganisms includes: broad spectrum proteases 30 of 38 indirect transmission of zoonotic infection may involve: an intermediate vector eg mosquito tick, flea 31 of 38 chlamydia is most strongly associated with which age group 16-24 32 of 38 cytotoxic T cells can: release perforin to create pores in the target cell membrane 33 of 38 malaria is transmitted by: the anopheles mosquito 34 of 38 rickettsias are transmitted by: arthropods 35 of 38 who created the first rabies vaccine? louis pasteur 36 of 38 the common cold can be causes by: rhino virus 37 of 38 chancroid is: a sexually transmitted infection 38 of 38
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