Microorganisms and Infection 0.0 / 5 ? Health & Social CareMicroorganisms and InfectionOtherAll boards Created by: Nurse1234Created on: 18-10-22 14:44 What is a microorganism? Any organism too small to be seen by the naked eye 1 of 11 What is a pathogen? Microorganisms that cause disease 2 of 11 What is infection? The presence of microorganisms causing damage to body cells 3 of 11 Symbiosis Benefits humans and not harm the microorganism 4 of 11 Mutualism Benefits human and microorganism 5 of 11 Commensalism benefits microorganism and not harm the human 6 of 11 pathogenicity benefits microorganism and harms the human 7 of 11 opportunism a benign microorganism becomes pathogenic because of decreased human host resistance 8 of 11 Name the 4 stages of progression of infection (from point of view of microorganism) Colonization, invasion, multiplication, spread 9 of 11 Name the 4 stages of the clinical infectious disease process (from the point of view of the infected individual) Incubation period, prodromal stage, invasion period, convalescence 10 of 11 Name the classes of infectious micrrorganisms Bacterial infection, viral infection, fungal infection, parasitic and protozoal infection 11 of 11
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