What is the difference between data and information?
Data is a value with no obvious meaning, e.g 9. Information is data with meaning, e.g the average man’s shoe size is 9.
1 of 17
What is the Data Protection Act?
This is a law designed to protect personal data stored on computers or in an organised paper filing system.
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What is the Computer Misuse Act?
Designed to protect computer users against wilful attacks and theft of information. Offences under the act include hacking, unauthorised access to computer systems and purposefully spreading malicious and damaging software i.e. virus.
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What is the Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act?
It gives the creators of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works the right to control the ways in which their material may be used.
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Define the data type 'number' with an example.
This can be whole numbers, positive or negative, for example: 4 or -27 or 56733
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Define the data type 'text' with an example.
This can be ordered sequences of characters, for example: abc, def456, 3erf78!@
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Define the data type 'boolean' with an example.
This can be boolean values, for example: 'True' or 'False'.
7 of 17
What is the definition of a database?
A database is a computerised system that makes it easy to search, select and store information.
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Can you identify a database software?
Microsoft Access, Oracle and several others more!
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What is the definition of a field?
An element of a database record in which one piece of information is stored. For example 'name' in an electronic address book.
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What is the definition of an entity?
An object, eg a person or film. In databases, entities are the subjects whose attributes are stored as records.
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What is the definition of a record?
All of the data relating to one entity in a database.
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What is the definition of a table?
A set of fields and records used to store data.
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What is the definition of a query?
A query is an inquiry/question into the database. A query is used to extract data from the database according to the user's request.
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What is the purpose of a sort?
When databases files are large, containing millions of records, they are good at sorting through information very quickly. One of the main uses are to sort it ascending and descending order.
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The following database contains the following fields: ArtistID, Artist name, Album name, Genre, Release date. Which field is the most appropriate field to search for the artist "Iron Maiden" ?
Artist Name
16 of 17
The following database contains the following fields: ArtistID, Artist name, Album name, Genre, Release date. Which field is the most appropriate field to search for the album "Common Sense" ?
Album Name
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the Data Protection Act?
This is a law designed to protect personal data stored on computers or in an organised paper filing system.
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