Gave comfort and support - some even married Indian women.
2 of 12
Who were government explorers?
They mapped the Rockies mountains e.g. Joseph Walker
3 of 12
What did Jim Bridger do?
Explored the Yellowstone region and provided supplies for migrants.
4 of 12
What did trading stations do?
Offered travellers the chance to buy fur and skins.
5 of 12
What were the 'push' factors for people travelling West?
Economic depression in East; population increase; farmers faced ruin; farmers were crowded (in Mississippi)
6 of 12
How did early migrants travel?
Wagon trains
7 of 12
Describe what happened to the Donner Party?
A big party of wagons and families started to travel West but they didn't have enough supplies. They then split up and got lost. A cold winter hit and they couldn't travel far then they ran out of supplies and had to eat each other. Help finally came
8 of 12
What happened in 1848? And what were the results?
Gold was found and many American travelled in search of gold. They soon didn't find any and left
9 of 12
Why was law and order not kept in mining towns?
They were far away from federal laws and enforcers so miners set up vigilante groups. They didn't give people a fair trial and it often ended in killing
10 of 12
Who was the leader of the Mormon religion?
Joseph Smith
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Who was Brigham Young and what did he do?
Took over from Joseph Smith, organised the Mormons, took Mormons to Salt Lake City and helped them live in the city.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How did mountain men help Indians?
Gave comfort and support - some even married Indian women.
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