Miles Davis-All the Blues 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? MusicPopular musicGCSEEdexcel Created by: CurlotCreated on: 28-06-13 16:26 What is the Form? 12 Bar Blues 1 of 12 What Happens in the Riff? Repeats Again 2 of 12 Which instrument plays the head? Trumpet 3 of 12 What is the Structure? Riff, Head(1,2,3,4) , solo (each instrument for either 4x12bars or 2x12 bars(Piano) 4 of 12 Where is the Melody? In the Head (plays rising 6th's) 5 of 12 Which instrument plays the Melody? Trumpet (Start + End of Piece) 6 of 12 Which Instruments Play in The piece? Trumpet, Alto Sax (horn), Tenor Sax (horn), Piano, Bass & Drums 7 of 12 What Is the Chord Pattern? G7,G7,G7,G7,C7,C7,G7,G7,D7#9,Eb7#9/D7#9,G7,G7 8 of 12 What is the Time Signiture? 6/4 (Jazz Waltz) 9 of 12 This piece is Modal Jazz.What is the Mode? Mixolydian Mode 10 of 12 Name two rhythmic features ? Swung Quaver & Syncopation 11 of 12 Name three Instrumental Techniques? Muted Trumpet (at start), Drums played with Brushes, Comping by Pianist 12 of 12
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