Minor Oral Surgery, Local Anaesthesia and Anxiety Control

A 35-year-old man attends the surgery as a new patient for a routine dental examination, after relocating to the area 3 months previously. On examination, the dentist notices that the lower right third molar is not present orally, but the patient states t
Dentigerous cyst
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An adult male attends the surgery for the simple extraction of a fractured upper left canine tooth. Although fractured, the dentist will be able to remove the tooth by severing the periodontal ligament and slightly dilating the socket, without resorting t
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The anxiety control technique of inhalation sedation requires the patient to inhale a carefully controlled combination of two gases, oxygen and nitrous oxide. The coloured gas cylinders are fitted to a sedation machine or are piped directly into the surge
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A 20-year-old patient attends the surgery complaining of severe pain in the lower left quadrant and is unable to fully open his mouth to allow the dentist to carry out a dental examination. A dental panoramic tomograph shows the presence of an unerupted l
Mesio-angular impaction
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A 17-year-old patient attends for the restoration of the lower left first molar tooth, by the preparation and placement of a full gold crown onto the tooth. As the tooth is fractured buccally, a crown lengthening procedure will also be carried out at the
Inferior dental and long buccal nerves
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A 19-year-old female patient attends the surgery complaining of pain in the lower left quadrant, and has been unable to eat solid foods for 2 days. She has halitosis and is unable to open her mouth to allow a dental examination to be carried out. The dent
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A 13-year-old child attends the surgery with her mother, complaining of a noticeable gap between her upper central incisors. On examination, the dentist diagnoses the presence of a median diastema, and recommends a surgical procedure followed by orthodont
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A 33-year-old patient attends the dental surgery for the planned restoration of six teeth, using a combination of endodontic and filling techniques. The patient is a dental phobic and has previously requested that anxiety control techniques are used to en
Intranasal sedation
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During the routine dental examination of a 45-year-old male patient, the dentist notices a small ulcer on the lateral border of the patient's tongue. The patient reports that the lesion has been present for 2 months, and although it was initially smaller
Excisional biopsy
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The trigeminal nerve is the fifth cranial nerve and supplies the majority of the oral cavity. A branch of the mandibular division runs from the inner surface of the ramus of the mandible and then over the external oblique ridge to supply the surrounding g
Long buccal nerve
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A 50-year-old patient attends the surgery for an apicectomy procedure on the upper left central incisor tooth. Once local anaesthesia has been applied and taken effect, the dentist will need to gain access to the root apex to carry out the procedure. Whic
Periosteal elevator
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Card 2


An adult male attends the surgery for the simple extraction of a fractured upper left canine tooth. Although fractured, the dentist will be able to remove the tooth by severing the periodontal ligament and slightly dilating the socket, without resorting t



Card 3


The anxiety control technique of inhalation sedation requires the patient to inhale a carefully controlled combination of two gases, oxygen and nitrous oxide. The coloured gas cylinders are fitted to a sedation machine or are piped directly into the surge


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Card 4


A 20-year-old patient attends the surgery complaining of severe pain in the lower left quadrant and is unable to fully open his mouth to allow the dentist to carry out a dental examination. A dental panoramic tomograph shows the presence of an unerupted l


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Card 5


A 17-year-old patient attends for the restoration of the lower left first molar tooth, by the preparation and placement of a full gold crown onto the tooth. As the tooth is fractured buccally, a crown lengthening procedure will also be carried out at the


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