minority influence - commitment, consistency, flexablity

  • Created by: paris b
  • Created on: 24-05-17 19:56

1. what is minority influence more likely to lead to?

  • compliance- public but not private beliefs change
  • internalisation - public&private beliefs changed
  • identification - public&private beliiedes cange
  • riots
1 of 7

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2. why does Nemeth say that flexiblity is important for minority influence?

  • being consistent can be seen as dogmatic this makes people not want to listen to their point, they should adapt
  • he doesn't, it was Moscovici that said it

3. what is minority influence?

  • when a majority group influeneces the beliefs and behaviours of a majority group
  • when a majority group influeneces the beliefs and behaviours of a minority group
  • when a minority group influeneces the beliefs and behaviours of a majority group
  • when a minority group influeneces the beliefs and behaviours of a minority group

4. why is consistency important for minority influence?

  • if it is only done once then people think they're the odd one out but if it continues then it increases the amount of supporters - must be important to 'go against the grain'
  • shows that you are passionate about your cause and you're not willing to come to societys expectations
  • it is not, if the message is important enough then it will not need to be repeated

5. what is the process of change called?

  • rolley polley
  • rolling ball
  • snowball
  • pinball


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