Miracles Key Terminology 0.0 / 5 ? PhilosophyPhilosophy of ReligionA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Nicole PattisonCreated on: 12-03-16 12:58 Immanent Expresses idea that God is active in the world 1 of 6 Transcendant Expresses idea that God is separate from the world 2 of 6 Arbitrary A decision is that is not based on a reason nor is the result of rational decision making. 3 of 6 Contingency definition Idea that miracles are events/signs with religious significance rather than direct events from God. 4 of 6 Semeion Greek for 'sign', originally used in Bible. 5 of 6 Laws of Nature a body of unchanging - some would argue - moral principles 6 of 6
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