Mitosis and meiosis 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyVariety of life and classificationIGCSEEdexcel Created by: lemon_socksCreated on: 12-02-23 20:21 Cells need to divide for growth and repair 1 of 15 mitosis produce which type of cells diploid cells 2 of 15 which type of reproduction does mitosis occur asexual 3 of 15 what happens before mitosis dna replication 4 of 15 what happens before the chromosomes split chromosomes line up in middle of the cell 5 of 15 definition of prophase chromosome duplication 6 of 15 definition of metaphase chromsomes line up in the middle 7 of 15 definition of anaphase chromosome split 8 of 15 definition of telophase cell splits 9 of 15 what are germ cells cells that undergo meiosis to make gametes 10 of 15 how much daughter cells that meiosis produces four daughter cells 11 of 15 gametes are genetically unique because make sure offspring produced are genetically different 12 of 15 how many times does cells split in meiosis two times 13 of 15 what differs in anaphase in meiosis than mitosis anaphase also swaps chromosomes as well as splitting them 14 of 15 what the type of cells produced in meiosis haploid cells 15 of 15
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