Mod 8 - A Health Diet 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishLifestyle and healthGCSEAQA Created by: EllaDerrCreated on: 12-02-19 18:48 lácteos milk/dairy products 1 of 25 huevos eggs 2 of 25 verduras vegetables 3 of 25 cereales cereals 4 of 25 fideos noodles 5 of 25 grasas fats 6 of 25 grasa fat 7 of 25 dulces sugars/sweet things 8 of 25 frutos secos nuts and dried fruit 9 of 25 los nutrientes nutrients 10 of 25 proteínas proteins 11 of 25 minerales minerals 12 of 25 sal salt 13 of 25 vitaminas vitamins 14 of 25 azúcar sugar 15 of 25 el sabor taste 16 of 25 vegetariano/vegano vegetarian/vegan 17 of 25 saludable/sano health 18 of 25 malsano unhealthy 19 of 25 hambre hungry 20 of 25 sed thirst/thirsty 21 of 25 tiempo para cocinar time to cook 22 of 25 contiene it contains 23 of 25 contienen they contain 24 of 25 la fibra fibre 25 of 25
Spanish- Health and unhealthy lifestyles and their consequences 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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