the number of different species and the abundance of each species in an area .
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what are the 3 types of non-random smapling?
systematic (samples taken at fixed intervals), opportunistic (samples are choosen by the investigator) and stratified (different areas in a habitat are identified and are sampled seperatly in proportion to thier part of the habitat as a whole.
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what is species richness?
the number of diffeent species in an area.
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what is species evenness?
realative abundance of each species in an area
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how is diversity measured?
simpsons index
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what is genetic diversity?
the variation of alleles with in a species.
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what is used to measure genetic diversity?
proportion of polymorphic gene loci= number of polymorphic gene loci divided by total num. of loci
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what are the 3 factors that affect global biodiversity?
human population growth, increased use of monoculture in agriculture and climate change.
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why human pop. growth?
habitat loss (human development), over-exploitation (greater demand for food nd resourses), urbanisation (major road developments and cities can isolate species), pollution (kill or destroy species and habitats)
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what are the ecological reasons for maitaining biodiversity? 1
to protect keystone species (offten preditors), and affecting food chains.
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part 2
to maintains genetic resourses as they provide us with: food and drink, clothing, drugs, fuels, industrial materials such as wood, dyes, rubber etc.
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what are the economic reasons?
to reduce soil depletion- continouous monoculture causes soil depletion as it uses the same nutriets evrytime and they are slowy used up. meaning increased spending of fertilisers and decreased yields in the long run.
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and asthestic reasons?
attractive landscapes that people enjoy, and more biodiversity means more visitors the area can attract.
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what is in situ conservation?
keeps species in their natural habitiat.
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what can this consist of?
establishing protected areas such as national parks and wildlife reserves, contlling new species that can threatan the old spesies, preventing urban and indeustrial development, protecting the habitiats, promoting habitats and giving legal protection
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what is ex situ conservation?
removing species from their natural habbitat and placing them in a secure location.
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what does this consist of ?
relocating to a safer area, bredding organisms in captivity and reintroducing them to the wild. botanic gardens, seed banks.
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what are the 2 exmaples of international cooperation for species conservation? 1
Rio Convention on Biological Diversity ( how to use plant and animal resources in a sustainable way, made it an international law that conserving biodiversity is everyones responsibility, and guidence on how to do it).
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CITES Agreement (reuglating trade in wild animal and plant specimens, all agreed its illeagal to kill endangered species, limits trade through licencing and by making it illeagal to trade in producs make from endangered species,raised awareness=educa
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is species diversity?
the number of different species and the abundance of each species in an area .
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