Module 2 - Energy resources 0.0 / 5 ? GeologyA2/A-levelOCR Created by: RockCreated on: 09-06-13 11:59 Source rock Is an organic rich mudstone or shale containing abundant plankton that formed in low energy, anoxic, marine conditions 1 of 17 Maturation The process by which plankton is converted into petroleum by the effects of temperature and pressure during burial. 2 of 17 Migration Describes the movement of petroleum from a source rock to a reservoir rock. 3 of 17 Reservoir rock Is a highly porous and permeable rock preventing further upwards migration of petroleum. 4 of 17 Reserve The amount of the resource that can be extracted at a profit using existing technology. 5 of 17 Blowout Occurs when oil gushes uncontrolled to the surface 6 of 17 Primary Recovery Is where oil initially gushes to the surface under natural pressure and is then pumped out. 7 of 17 Secondary Recovery Is where water is injected below or natural gas injected above the oil to maintain the pressure. 8 of 17 Coal seam A layer of coal, usually 1 to 2 metres thick. 9 of 17 Coalification Is the diagenetic process by which peat is turned into coal by the effects of heat and pressure during burial. 10 of 17 Rank Describes the percentage of carbon in the coal. 11 of 17 Coal series The sequence of increasing rank from peat to anthracite. 12 of 17 Adit Is a horizontal tunnel dug into a hillside 13 of 17 Spoil heaps compromise waste rock piled up on the ground 14 of 17 Longwall Mining A highly mechanised method of underground mining 15 of 17 Cyclothem Is a repeated cycle of sedimentation 16 of 17 Coal measures Is the name for the Carboniferous-age coal-bearing strata 17 of 17
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