Modulo 2 Unidad 5 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishWork and educationGCSEEdexcel Created by: Adam911Created on: 26-03-18 18:34 toco la trompeta I play the trumpet 1 of 21 canto en el coro I sing in the choir 2 of 21 soy miembro de I am a member of 3 of 21 club de ajedrez chess club 4 of 21 club de teatro drama club 5 of 21 Las actividades extra-escolares son muy divertidas Extra-curricular activities are a lot of fun 6 of 21 Las actividades extra-escolares son algo diferente Extra-curricular activities are something different 7 of 21 Las actividades extra-escolares son un éxito Extra-curricular activities are an achievment 8 of 21 te ayudan a ... they help you to ... 9 of 21 olvidar las presiones del colegio forget the pressures of school 10 of 21 desarrollar tus talentas to develop your talents 11 of 21 hacer nuevos amigos to make new friends 12 of 21 te dan they give you 13 of 21 una sensacíon de logro a sense of achievement 14 of 21 el año pasado participé en un evento especial last year I took part in a special event 15 of 21 el año pasado participé en un concert last year I took part in a concert 16 of 21 el año pasado participé en un torneo last year I took part in tornament 17 of 21 gané un trofeo I won a trophy 18 of 21 ganamos un trofeo we won a trophy 19 of 21 ¡fue un éxito! it was a success 20 of 21 el próximo trimestre voy a apuntarme al club de ... next term I am going to sign up for ... club 21 of 21
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