Modulo 4
0.0 / 5
- Created by: HannahdeR
- Created on: 04-11-17 14:40
Mis padrés me dan ....
My parents give me ...
1 of 288
Mi madre me da .... euros a la semana
My Mum gives me .... euros a week.
2 of 288
Mi padre me da .... euros al mes
My dad gives me .... euros a month
3 of 288
Gasto mi paga en ....
I spend my pocket money on ..
4 of 288
Tambien compro ....
I also buy ...
5 of 288
saldo para el móvil
credit for my phone
6 of 288
7 of 288
8 of 288
9 of 288
zapatillas de marca
designer trainers
10 of 288
computer games
11 of 288
12 of 288
Mis ratos libres
My free time
13 of 288
las actividades de ocio
leisure activities
14 of 288
Tengo muchos pasatiempos
I have lots of hobbies
15 of 288
A la hora de comer ....
At lunchtime....
16 of 288
Cuando tengo tiempo ....
When I have time ...
17 of 288
Déspués del insti ....
After school .....
18 of 288
Los fines de semana ....
At weekends ....
19 of 288
Mientras desayuno.....
Whilst I have breakfast ....
20 of 288
Mientras coo .....
Whilst I have lunch ....
21 of 288
juego al billar
I play billiards
22 of 288
juego al futbolin
I play table football
23 of 288
monto en bici
I ride my bike
24 of 288
monte en monopatin
I ride my skateboard
25 of 288
quedo con mis amigos
I meet up with my friends
26 of 288
voy de compras
I go shopping
27 of 288
mi pasión es la música
my passion is music
28 of 288
mi pasión es la lectura
my passion is reading
29 of 288
Suelo descansar
I tend to rest
30 of 288
Suelo escuchar música
I usually listen to music
31 of 288
Suelo escuchar la radio
I usually listen to the radio
32 of 288
hacer deporte
do sport
33 of 288
ir al cine
go to the cinema
34 of 288
leer libros
read books
35 of 288
leer revistas
read magazines
36 of 288
leer periódicos
read newspaper
37 of 288
salir con amigos
go out with friends
38 of 288
usar el ordenador
use the computer
39 of 288
ver la tele
watch TV
40 of 288
Es divertido
it's fun
41 of 288
Es relajante
It's relaxing
42 of 288
Es sano
It's healthy
43 of 288
Soy creativo/a
I'm creative
44 of 288
Soy perezoso/a
I'm lazy
45 of 288
Soy sociable
I'm sociable
46 of 288
Soy adicto/a a ...
I'm addicted to .....
47 of 288
me ayuda a relajarme
It helps me to relax
48 of 288
me ayuda a olvidarme de todo
it helps me to forget everything
49 of 288
me hace reir
it makes me laugh
50 of 288
necesito comunicarme / relacionarme con atra gente
I need to have contact with other people
51 of 288
La música
52 of 288
Me gusta el soul
I like soul
53 of 288
Me gusta el rap
I like rap
54 of 288
Me gusta el dance
I like dance
55 of 288
Me gusta el hip-hop
I like hip hop
56 of 288
Me gusta el pop
I like pop
57 of 288
Me gusta el rock
I like rock
58 of 288
Me gusta el jazz
I like jazz
59 of 288
Me gusta la música clásica
I like classical
60 of 288
Me gusta electrónica
I like electronic music
61 of 288
asistir a un concierto
to attend a concert
62 of 288
cantar (una canión)
to sing (a song)
63 of 288
tocar el teclado
to play the keyboard
64 of 288
tocar el piano
to play the piano
65 of 288
la bateria
the drums
66 of 288
La flauta
the flute
67 of 288
la guitarra
the guitar
68 of 288
La trompeta
the trumpet
69 of 288
mi cantante preferido/a es ...
my favourite singer is ....
70 of 288
un espectáculo
a show
71 of 288
una gira (mundial)
a (world) tour
72 of 288
El deporte
73 of 288
Soy basante deportista
I am quite sporty
74 of 288
Era muy deportista
I used to be muy deportisa
75 of 288
miembro de un club
a member of a club
76 of 288
miembro de un equipo
a member of a team
77 of 288
aficionado/a /hincha de .....
a fan of .......
78 of 288
un(a) fanático/a de ....
a ... fanatic
79 of 288
juego al .....
I play ....
80 of 288
juqué al ....
I played ....
81 of 288
jugaba al .....
I used to play .....
82 of 288
83 of 288
84 of 288
85 of 288
86 of 288
87 of 288
88 of 288
89 of 288
table tennis
90 of 288
91 of 288
92 of 288
93 of 288
I do ......
94 of 288
hice ......
I did ......
95 of 288
hacia .....
I used to do .....
96 of 288
97 of 288
98 of 288
99 of 288
deportes acuáticos
water sports
100 of 288
horse riding
101 of 288
102 of 288
103 of 288
104 of 288
105 of 288
106 of 288
patinaje sobre hielo
ice skating
107 of 288
108 of 288
109 of 288
110 of 288
tiro con arco
111 of 288
voy ......
I go .....
112 of 288
fui .......
I went ......
113 of 288
iba .....
I used to go ......
114 of 288
a clases de .....
to .... classes
115 of 288
de pesca
116 of 288
ya no (juego) ....
(I) no longer (play) ....
117 of 288
todavia (hago) .....
(I) still (do) .....
118 of 288
batir un récord
to break a record
119 of 288
to run
120 of 288
to train
121 of 288
jugar un partido contra ....
to play a match against ....
122 of 288
marcar un gol
to score a goal
123 of 288
montar a caballo
to go horseriding
124 of 288
participar en un torneo
to participate in a tournament
125 of 288
to skate
126 of 288
mi jugador(a) preferido/a es ....
my favourite player is ......
127 of 288
su punto culminante fue cuando.....
the highlight (of his/her career) was when ....
128 of 288
el campeón /la campeona
the champion
129 of 288
la temporada
the season
130 of 288
La tele
131 of 288
(No) Soy teleadicto/a
I'm (not) a TV addict
132 of 288
Mi programa favorito es .....
My favourite programme is .....
133 of 288
un concurso
a game / quiz show
134 of 288
un programa de deportes
a sports programme
135 of 288
un reality
a reality TV show
136 of 288
un documental
a documentary
137 of 288
un culebrón / una telenovela
a soap
138 of 288
una comedia
a comedy
139 of 288
una serie policiaca
a crime series
140 of 288
el telediario /las noticias
the news
141 of 288
Me gustan las comedias
I like comedies
142 of 288
Es / Son ....
It is / They are ....
143 of 288
144 of 288
145 of 288
146 of 288
147 of 288
148 of 288
149 of 288
150 of 288
151 of 288
152 of 288
Las peliculas
153 of 288
un misterio
a mystery
154 of 288
una pelicula de amor
a love film
155 of 288
una pelicula de terror
a horror film
156 of 288
una pelicula de acción
an action film
157 of 288
una pelicula de aventuras
an adventure film
158 of 288
una pelicula de animación
an animated film
159 of 288
una pelicula de ciencia ficción
a sci-fi film
160 of 288
una pelicula de fantasia
a fantasy film
161 of 288
una pelicula extranjera
a fareign film
162 of 288
163 of 288
164 of 288
165 of 288
166 of 288
167 of 288
168 of 288
169 of 288
170 of 288
171 of 288
alemán /alemana
172 of 288
danés /danesa
173 of 288
174 of 288
francés /francesa
175 of 288
holandés /holandesa
176 of 288
inglés /inglesa
177 of 288
irlandés /irlandesa
178 of 288
japonés /japonesa
179 of 288
Temas del momento
Trending topics
180 of 288
he copartido ....
I have shared .....
181 of 288
he comprado ....
I have bought ....
182 of 288
he jugado ....
I have played ....
183 of 288
he leido ....
I have read .....
184 of 288
he oido ....
I have heard ....
185 of 288
he roto ....
I have broken ....
186 of 288
he subido ....
I have uploaded ....
187 of 288
?Has probado ....?
Have you tried ....?
188 of 288
mi hermano ha descaragado ....
my brother has downloadad ....
189 of 288
se ha estrenado ....
.... has been released
190 of 288
la nueva canción
the new song
191 of 288
el último libro
the latest book
192 of 288
Ya lo/la/los.las he visto.
I have already seen it /them.
193 of 288
No lo/la/los/las he visto todavia.
I haven't seen it /them yet.
194 of 288
acabo de ver / jugar a ....
I have just seen / played ....
195 of 288
cuenta la historia de ....
it tells the story of ....
196 of 288
trata de ....
it's about ....
197 of 288
combina el misterio con la acción
it combines mystery with action
198 of 288
el argumento es fuerte
the plot is strong
199 of 288
el argumento es débil
the plot is weak
200 of 288
La banda sonora es buena
the soundtrack is good
201 of 288
La banda sonora es mala
the soundtrack is bad
202 of 288
los actores ...
the actors ....
203 of 288
los efectos especiales ....
the special effects ....
204 of 288
los gráfios ....
the graphics ...
205 of 288
los personajes ....
the characters.....
206 of 288
las animaciones ...
the animations....
207 of 288
las canciones ...
the songs ...
208 of 288
son guapos/as /guay
are good looking / cool
209 of 288
son estupendos/as
are great
210 of 288
son impresionantes
are impressive
211 of 288
son originales
are original
212 of 288
son repetitvos/as
are repetivie
213 of 288
Ir al cine, al teatro, etc.
Going to the cinema, theatre, etc.
214 of 288
?Qué vamos a hacer ....
What are we going to do ....
215 of 288
esta tarde?
this afternoon / evening?
216 of 288
esta noche?
217 of 288
218 of 288
el viernes?
on Friday?
219 of 288
?Tienes ganas de ir ...
Do you fancy going ....
220 of 288
a un concierto
to a concert
221 of 288
a un festival?
to a festival?
222 of 288
a un espectáculo de baile?
to a dance show?
223 of 288
al cine
to the cinema
224 of 288
al teatro
225 of 288
al circo?
226 of 288
?Qué ponen?
What's on?
227 of 288
Es una pelicula de ....
It's a .... film
228 of 288
Es una obra de ....
It's a ..... play
229 of 288
?A qué hora empieza?
What time does it start?
230 of 288
?A qué hora termina?
What time does it finish?
231 of 288
Empieza a las .....
It starts at .....
232 of 288
Termina a las ....
It finishes at ....
233 of 288
Dos entradas para ....., por favor.
Two tickets for ..... please.
234 of 288
para la sésión de las ....
for the ..... showing /performance
235 of 288
No quedan entradas.
There are no tickets left.
236 of 288
?Hay un descuento para estudiantes?
Is there a discount for students?
237 of 288
Aqui tiene mi carné de estudiante.
Here is my student card.
238 of 288
?En el cine o en casa?
At the cinema or at home?
239 of 288
(No) Me gusta ir al cine porque ...
I (don't) like going to the cinema because ....
240 of 288
Prefiero ver las pelis en casa porque ....
I prefer watching films at home because....
241 of 288
el ambiente es mejor
the atmosphere is better
242 of 288
hay demasiadas personas
there are too many people
243 of 288
la imagen es mejor en la gran pantalla
the picture is better on the big screen
244 of 288
las entradas son muy caras
the tickets are very expensive
245 of 288
las palomitas están ricas
the popcorn is tasty
246 of 288
las asientos no son cómodos
the seats aren't comfortable
247 of 288
los otros espectadores me molestan
the other spectators annoy me
248 of 288
ponen tráilers para las nuevas pelis
they show trailers for new films
249 of 288
si vas al bano te pierdes una parte
if you go to the toilet you miss part of it.
250 of 288
tienes que hacer cola
you have to queue
251 of 288
una corrida de toros
a bull fight
252 of 288
en directo
253 of 288
Los modelos a seguir
Role models
254 of 288
Admiro a ....
I admire...
255 of 288
Mi inspiración / idolo es ...
My inspiration /idol is ....
256 of 288
... es un buen / mal modelo a seguir
.... is a good / bad role model
257 of 288
... es un buen / mal modelo a seguir
.... is a good / bad role model
258 of 288
... es un buen / mal modelo a seguir
.... is a good / bad role model
259 of 288
Un buen modelo a seguir es alguien que ...
A good role model is someone who ....
260 of 288
apoya a organizaciones benéficas
supports charities
261 of 288
recauda fondos para ....
raises money for ....
262 of 288
tiene mucho talento / éxito
is very talented / successful
263 of 288
trabaja en defensa de los animales
works in defence of animals
264 of 288
usa su fama para ayudar a los demás
uses his /her fame to help others
265 of 288
se emborrachan
they get drunk
266 of 288
se comportan mal
they behave badly
267 of 288
se meten en problemas con la policia
they get into trouble with the police
268 of 288
es amable
he /she is nice
269 of 288
es carinoso/a
he/she is affectionate
270 of 288
es fuerte
he /she is strong
271 of 288
lucha por ...
he/she fights for
272 of 288
lucha contra ....
he /she fights against ..
273 of 288
la pobreza
274 of 288
la homofobia
275 of 288
los derechos de la mujer
women's rights
276 of 288
los derechos de los refugiados
the rights of refugees
277 of 288
los ninos desfavorecidos
underprivileged children
278 of 288
la justicia social
social justice
279 of 288
a pesar de sus problemas...
despite his /her problems...
280 of 288
ha batido varios récords
he/she has broken several records
281 of 288
ha creado ....
he /she has created ....
282 of 288
ha ganado ..... medallas / premios
he/she has won .... medals /awards
283 of 288
ha sufrido varias enfermedades
he/she has suffered several illnesses
284 of 288
ha superado sus problemas
he/she has overcome his/her problems
285 of 288
ha tenido mucho éxito como ...
he/she has had lots of success at ...
286 of 288
siempre sonrie
he/she always smiles
287 of 288
solo piensa en los demás
he /she only thinks of other people
288 of 288
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Mi madre me da .... euros a la semana
My Mum gives me .... euros a week.
Card 3
Mi padre me da .... euros al mes
Card 4
Gasto mi paga en ....
Card 5
Tambien compro ....
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