Molecules and Foundation in Cells 0.0 / 5 ? OtherMolecules and CellsUniversityNone Created by: KayshaNCreated on: 11-10-18 14:21 99% of atomes in the human body? CNOH 1 of 33 What does ionic bonding mean? Gain and Loss of electrons forming ions 2 of 33 What bonds form between water molecules? Hydrogen Bonds 3 of 33 Why are Electrostatic interactions important? For Protein surface, bind together (enzymes) 4 of 33 Substances that release hydrogen ions? Acid 5 of 33 Reduce number of hydrogen ions? Base 6 of 33 What is the basic formula of carbohydrates? (CH2O)n 7 of 33 What are the Aldoses? Carbonyl at the end 8 of 33 What are the Ketoses?(in order 3-5-6) Dihydroxyacetone, Ribulose, Fructose 9 of 33 Aldehyde/Ketone group reacts with ? closing the ring. Hydroxyl group 10 of 33 What is an isomer? Same chemical formula but structurally different 11 of 33 What is a heteropolymer? A polymer with 2 or more different monomers 12 of 33 What are the monosaccharide sub units of lactose? Galactose and Glucose 13 of 33 How many amino acids are coded for in our bodies? 20 14 of 33 Amino acids are Amphoteric.. what is this? Have both basic and acidic groups 15 of 33 The sequnece of amino acids Primary 16 of 33 Hydrogen bonds between amine group and carbonyl group four positions away? Alpha Helix 17 of 33 3D structure determined by bonds and chaperone proteins? Tiertiary 18 of 33 Dimers, Trimers, tetramers? Quaternary 19 of 33 Breaking down, dipeptide into two amino acids. Catabolism 20 of 33 What is the role of enzymes? to maintain order 21 of 33 What change in energy makes for a spontaneous reaction? Net negaitve change in free energy 22 of 33 Why are equillibrium's rare in the body? Reactions are chained 23 of 33 Kinase enzymes..? Catalyse addition of phosphate 24 of 33 Phosphatase enzymes..? Catalyse the removal of phosphate 25 of 33 Measure of affinity of substrate for the enzyme? Km 26 of 33 Binding of a molecule not at active site, conformational change. Increase or decrease affinity. Allosteric 27 of 33 Proteolysis is related to? Precursor Enzymes 28 of 33 What is the effect on Km with a Competitve Inhibitor? Increase 29 of 33 What is the effect on Km of a Non-competitve inhibitor? No Change 30 of 33 Saturated means? No double bonds between Carbons 31 of 33 Which has the fatty acid with two Hydrogen atoms on the same side? Cis 32 of 33 Which has the fatty acid with two Hydrogen atoms on the same side? Cis 33 of 33
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